Welcome to Zerio Scripts - a community of FiveM script writers! Our mission is to provide both free and commercial help in the scripting arena to support FiveM gamers everywhere. We pride ourselves on maintaining a community that is both lively and helpful.
We have an awesome Discord server for our community, for both people who require scripting help and those looking to chat about scripting and make new friends! Our server provides advice and support on a wide range of topics related to scripting, as well as offering commercial script writing services.
If you’re a seasoned scripter and would like to contribute to our server in any way, please don’t hesitate to reach out - we would love to have you join our team! <3 You can also benefit from our extensive library, which houses hundreds of scripts, tools and tutorials.
Come join us and experience the power of scripting in FiveM! We look forward to having you onboard.