General information
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
General information
- This is a revamp of an old project Takagi-Bot 2019 fused with 金 Butler and Student Council president three of my first bots, feel free to edit and take inspiration from it.
Development+ Most of the code was written by me, most of it actually comes from Takagi-Bot 2019 and 金 Butler but a lot of it has been re-written and revamped.
+ Some of the code was also taken from other open sources project such as Kyando2/Captain_Webhook and Rapptz/ I'm using MySQL for most of the data.
Economy- The economy currently consists of the "exploit" and "fish" commands as your main source of "obtaining" resources, you can then use "craft" to create weapons and such to help you in your queset of being the richest
Leveling (currently in early development)- The leveling currently gives you exp each time you talk, you can chane the exp range by using the "set_exp_gain" and you can create and delete exp roles by using "create_exp_role" and "delete_exp_role"
LicenseThis is an open source project under GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.
Notable Contributors@Bainshunpu