Cuboid is a Bot Created By #Abdul#1934. It is a multi-purpose bot, but is is mainly for moderation, currency, ticketing, music, fun, welcome and leave, utility, image, text, etc.
Here are the commands of Cuboid:
!ban <@member> [reason] - Bans a member !kick <@member> [reason] - Kicks a member !mute BETA - Mutes a Member !unmute BETA - Unmutes a member !delete[Messages] - Deletes the amount of messages assigned !warn[Member] - Warns A Member !tempban[Member][Duration] - Temporarily Bans A Member For A Chosen Time !setslowmode[time] - Set The Slowmode of a Channel !unban[Member] - Unbans a Member
Fun: !distract - Makes you distracted by Henry Stickmin !ping - Shows the ping/latency of the bot !logo - Shows Cuboid’s Logo !snipe - Snipes the most recent deleted message !coinflip - Flips A Coin, you either get heads or tails !kill[user] - Kills a User !amimod - Asks the bot if you’re a moderator. !nitro - Makes the bot give you free nitro !say[Something] - Makes the bot say something !rps[choice] - Play RPS !guess - Play Guess The Number Game
Miscellanious: !owner - Shows The Owner Of The Server !invites - Shows How Many Invites Have !timer[Seconds] - Starts a time !serverinfo - Shows This Server’s Info !warnings - Shows How Many Warnings You Have !gstart [minutes][Prize] - Creates a Giveaway !getpfp[user] - Shows The Profile Picture Of The Selected User !rr [Message ID][Emoji][Role ID] - Creates a Reaction Role. !userinfo[User] - Find Info About A Specific User !afk [minutes] - Adds [AFK] to your nickname for the chosen amount of time to show that you’re afk. !servers - Shows how many servers Abdul’s bot is currently in !cal[problem] - Makes the bot calculate a problem !uptime - Shows How long the bot has been online !invite - Shows the permamanent invite link to the server !weather [city] - Shows The Weather in the chosen city.
Currency: !bal - View Your Balance !transfer[Amount][Member] - Give Your Cubic Coins to another person !daily - Earn Your Daily Cubic Coins !hourly - Earn Your Hourly Cubic Coins !work - Work Per Hour For 1000 Cubic Coins !beg - Beg For money from random people !search - Search For Cubic Coins lying on the ground! !hunt - Hunt in the forest and get some Cubic coins! !fish - Fish in a river filled with fish! !deposit[Amount]/[Max] - Deposits the chosen amount from your wallet to your bank !with[amount]/[all] - Withdraws the chosen amount from your bank to your wallet. !rob[amount][User] - Robs Money From A User
Leveling: !level - Find what level you are at. !levelenable - Enables the leveling system (Disabled by default)
Coming Soon…
Welcome: !setjoin [#channel] !setleave [#channel] Enables the welcome system and sets a welcome channel.
Music: !join - Makes the bot join the voice channel you’re in !leave - Makes the bot leave a voice channel !topartists - Show The Trending Artists Currently !topsongs - Shows The Trending Songs !getsong[name] - Shows The Info of the chosen song. !getlyrics[song] - Gets the lyrics of a song if available !getalbum[album] - Shows the info of the chosen album !getartist[artist] - Shows the info of the chosen artist
Coming Soon…
Utility: !emojis - Shows All The Emojis in the server !addrole[member] - Adds a role to the chosen member !delete[messages] - Deletes the chosen amount of messages !removerole [Member][Role] - Removes a Role From A Member !newcategory [Allowed Role] [Name] - Creates a new category !channelstats - Shows The Channel’s Stats
Image: !youtube [member] [comment] - Creates a YouTube comment. !imposter [@member] - Shows an imposter Among Us picture.
Coming Soon…
!new This creates a new ticket. Add any words after the command if you’d like to send a message when we initially create your ticket.
!close Use this to close a ticket. This command only works in ticket channels.
!addaccess <role_id> This can be used to give a specific role access to all tickets. This command can only be run if you have an admin-level role for this bot.
!delaccess <role_id> This can be used to remove a specific role’s access to all tickets. This command can only be run if you have an admin-level role for this bot.
!addpingedrole <role_id> This command adds a role to the list of roles that are pinged when a new ticket is created. This command can only be run if you have an admin-level role for this bot.
!delpingedrole <role_id> This command removes a role from the list of roles that are pinged when a new ticket is created. This command can only be run if you have an admin-level role for this bot.
!addadminrole <role_id> This command gives all users with a specific role access to the admin-level commands for the bot, such as !addpingedrole and !addaccess. This command can only be run by users who have administrator permissions for the entire server.
!deladminrole <role_id> This command removes access for all users with the specified role to the admin-level commands for the bot, such as !addpingedrole and .addaccess. This command can only be run by users who have administrator permissions for the entire server.
!ital - Italicizes the text provided !bold - Bolds the text provided !spoiler - Marks the text provided as spoiler.
!bold - Bolds the text provided
!spoiler - Marks the text provided as spoiler.