Akira Discord Bot Logo

Akira Discord Bot

Invite Akira Bot to your server and get help with your server commands. Enjoy the love of Akira Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in February

Akira Discord Bot Described:

Hey, its me Akira Im a bot made with love for discord <3 And i can help you with your erver if you want
A multi perpuse discord bot

Akira is still in beta version

Akira Akira

  • Moderation (Soon)
  • Automod (Soon)
  • Automation (Soon)
  • Reaction-Roles (Soon)
  • Giveaways (Soon)
  • Leveling (Soon)
  • Reminders (Soon)
  • Starboard (Soon)
  • Info (Soon)
  • Utility (8 Commands)
  • Settings (soon)
  • Search (Soon)
  • Roleplay (50+ Commands)
  • Memes (Soon)
  • Profile (Soon)
  • Economy (Soon)
Name Usage Example
Ban akira ban [user] (reason) akira ban @Dark-Lynn Spam
Kick akira kick [user] (reason) Akira kick @Dark-Lynn Spam
NAME Usage Example
Soon Comming Soon Soon™
NAME Usage Example
Soon Comming Soon Soon™
NAME Usage Example
Soon Comming Soon Soon™
NAME Usage Example
Soon Comming Soon Soon™
NAME Usage Example
Soon Comming Soon Soon™
NAME Usage Example
Soon Comming Soon Soon™
NAME Usage Example
Soon Comming Soon Soon™
NAME Usage Example
UserInfo Akira Userinfo [user] Akira Userinfo @Dark-LYNN
NAME Usage Example
Color Akira Color [hex/rgb code] Akira color FF0088
Embed Akira ember [color] | [author] | [title] | [description] | [footer] | [Top text] | [image] | [thumbnai] akira embed ff0088 | Welcome | To this server | {member.tag} `{member․id}` | {date.mdy} | {member.mention} | none | none
Help Akira help [command/section] Akira help utility
invite akira invite akira invite
support akira support akira support
Vote akira vote akira vote
Website akira website akira website
NAME Usage Example
Soon Comming Soon Soon™
NAME Usage Example
Soon Comming Soon Soon™
Name Usage Example
Counters Akira Counters (user) akira counter
Bite akira bite (user) (reason) akira bite @Dark-LYNN Rawrrr
Blush akira Blush (user) (reason) akira blush @Dark-LYNN omg
bonk Akira bonk (user) (reason) akira bonk @Dark-LYNN bonk
Boop akira boop (user) (reason) akira boop @Dark-LYNN
bored akira bored (user) (reason) akira bored @Dark-LYNN im bored
Chase akira chase (user) (reason) akira chase @Dark-LYNN come here
Cheer akira cheer (user) (reason) akira cheer @Dark-LYNN OwO
Cringe akira cringe (user) (reason) akira cring @Dark-LYNN F
Cry akira cry (user) (reason) akira cry @Dark-LYNN Why would you do that?
Cuddle akira Cuddle (user) (reason) akira Cuddle @Dark-LYNN come cuddle me
Dab akira dab (user) (reason) akira dab @Dark-LYNN DaB
Dance akira dance (user) (reason) akira dance @Dark-LYNN Lets dance
Die akira die (user) (reason) akira die @Dark-LYNN R.I.P.
FacePalm akira facepalm (user) (reason) akira facepalm @Dark-LYNN Omg
Feed akira feed (user) (reason) akira feed @Dark-LYNN eat this
Glomp akira glomp (user) (reason) akira glomp @Dark-LYNN dont let go
HandHold akira handhold (user) (reason) akira handhold @Dark-LYNN Hold my hand
Hate akira hate (user) (reason) akira hate @Dark-LYNN I HATE YOU
Hug akira hug (user) (reason) akira hug @Dark-LYNN come give me a hug
kill akira kill (user) (reason) akira kill @Dark-LYNN R.I.P.
Kiss akira kiss (user) (reason) akira kiss @Dark-LYNN you have soft lips
Laugh akira laugh (user) (reason) akira laugh @Dark-LYNN HaHa
Lick akira lick (user) (reason) akira lick @Dark-LYNN feel my tongue
Love akira love (user) (reason) akira love @Dark-LYNN I Love You
Lurk akira lurk (user) (reason) akira lurk @Dark-LYNN I see you
Nervous akira nervous (user) (reason) akira nervous @Dark-LYNN You sure?
No akira no (user) (reason akira no @Dark-LYNN I dont like that.
Nom akira nom (user) (reason) akira nom @Dark-LYNN om nom nom
Nuzzle akira nuzzle (user) (reason) alkira nuzzle @Dark-LYNN* lets nuzzle
Panic akira panic (user) (reason) akira panic @Dark-LYNN oh no
Pat akira pat (user) (reason) akira pat @Dark-LYNN Good girl
Peck akira peck (user) (reason) akira peck @Dark-LYNN your a good kisser
Poke akira poke (user) (reason) akira poke @Dark-LYNN “Poke”
Pout akira pout (user) (reason) akira pout @Dark-LYNN For Real?
Rage akira rage (user) (reason) akira rage @Dark-LYNN Why would you do that!
Run akira run (user) (reason) akira run @Dark-LYNN Run for your life
Sad akira sad (user) (reason) akira sad @Dark-LYNN im sad
Shoot akira shoot (user) (reason) Akira shoot @Dark-LYNN i warned you
Sip akira sip (user) (reason) akira sip @Dark-LYNN “Whyyy”
Slap akira slap (user) (reason) akira slap @Dark-LYNN Are you for real
Sleep akira sleep (user) (reason) akira sleep @Dark-LYNN Good night
Smug akira smug (user) (reason) akira smug @Dark-LYNN Lookin good
Stab akira stab (user) (reason) akira stab @Dark-LYNN Thats alot of blood
Stare akira stare (user) (reason) akira stare @Dark-LYNN what are you doing?
Tease akira tease (user) (reason) akira tease @Dark-LYNN “tease”
Think akira think (user) (reason) akira think @Dark-LYNN what are you eating
Thumbsup akira thumbsup (user) (reason) akira thumbsup @Dark-LYNN you got it
Tickle akira tickle (user) (reason) akira tickle @Dark-LYNN why you move so much
Triggered akira triggered (user) (reason) akira triggered @Dark-LYNN WTF WTF WTF WTF…
Wag akira wag (user) (reason) akira wag @Dark-LYNN You like my tail?
Wave akira wave (user) (reason) akira wave @Dark-LYNN Hello
Wink akira wink (user) (reason) akira wink @Dark-LYNN I kinda like you
Yes Akira yes (user) (reason) akira @Dark-LYNN OMG Yes yes yes 1000times yes
NAME Usage Example
Soon Comming Soon Soon™
NAME Usage Example
Soon Comming Soon Soon™
NAME Usage Example
Soon Comming Soon Soon™
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Akira Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Akira to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Akira Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: akira
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: dark_lynn#0