The bot is a lag-free music bot, which supports youtube videos, i will soon be adding Soundcloud when i can.
There is a large list of commands related to music which allows the bot to function flawlessly. when you play a song, you can control the bot using emojis that are reacted to the message which allows you to Play, Pause, Loop and Skip Invite the bot to your server today to test it out!
PREFIX CAN BE CHANGED WITH /prefix [new prefix]
Music Commands
Play - Plays audio from YouTube
Pause - Pause the currently playing song
Stop - Stops the currently playing song
Skip - Skips to the next song in queue
Loop - Loops the currently playing song until stopped
Skipto - Allows you to skip to a certain song in the queue
Nowplaying - Displays the currently playing song
Resume - Resumes the currently playing song
Shuffle - Shuffles your music queue
Playlist - Allows you to play a playlist from YouTube
Queue - See all the songs that are in the queue
Remove - Removes a specific song from the queue
Search - Search for the top 10 results from YouTube
Volume - Change the volume of the bot
General Commands
Help - Displays the help embed
Invite - Sends a link to invite the bot to the server
Stats - Shows the stats of the bot
Owner Only Commands
Reboot - Reboots the bot
Blacklist - Blacklists mentioned users access to use the bot