Amour is a multi-purpose, aesthetic Discord bot with multiple amazing features that can help Discord servers with partnerships, provide them with fun commands and moderation such as ;;ban ;;unban ;;helpdesk (modmail) and ;;kick with priority support for the bot and commands such as ;;whois to look up user information, with modlogs and custom welcome messages.
Amour can look up many things such as ;;hypixelpl for player data on Hypixel, ;;hypixelfriends to get a Hypixel player’s friend list and Minecraft player information too!
With priority support, Amour bot developers can even code a custom welcome embed for your server when new members arrive!
Fun commands with Amour include:- ;;coinflip to flip a coin, or use ;;cf or say “amourbot, flip a coin”
- ;;love as a love calculator
- ;;changemymind and ;;lisa to convey your opinions in a fun image generator
- ;;tweet to make a fake tweet
- ;;lastfm to look up data on a user’s music
- ;;8ball which can tell the fortune of a question
- ;;cat and ;;dog to grab images of cats and dogs
- ;;meme to get ultimate memes from reddit
- ;;rps to play rock paper scissors with the bot
- A reward system to redeem premium roles on the support server
- A ;;weather command to get the weather in any US zip code
- Make embeds with ;;embed and ;;simpleembed
- Custom welcome message with ;;setwelcomemessage
- ;;kick ;;ban ;;purge and ;;unban to moderate members, with more along the way
- Modmail feature that works easily and a ;;handled command for staff to reply to users through the bot example
- Easy setup for setting channels for functions like partnerships, helpdesk, join messages (optional) and member logs (optional)
- Posts a partnership message thanking the partner manager for partnering and showing their partner count example2
- Adds partnership to a secure database to show a leaderboard example3
- ;;partners to check your own or someone else’s total completed partners
- ;;setpartnerchannel command to set the partnership counting channel (easy to use!)
- ;;math command for math calculations
- ;;weather to get the weather in a city around the world
- ;;translate to translate to and from any languages
- ;;timezone to get the time in a specific city.