Announce Discord Bot Logo

Announce Discord Bot

Invite Announce Bot to your Discord server and use its custom avatar, username and poll commands. Get the full guide to using Announce Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in December

Announce Discord Bot Described:

Announce makes it easy to send embeds with custom avatars and usernames and it also lets you create polls!

Announce makes it easy to send embeds with custom avatars and usernames and it also lets you create polls!


An embed created by Announce

An embed sent using the embed command.

  • Simple messages
  • Highly customized embeds
  • Scheduling and editing
  • Polls
  • Custom avatars and usernames

announce <now/schedule>

Lets you send or schedule a message.


This command lets you send or edit highly customized embeds.

poll <start/end>

Start or end polls.

profile <configure/reset>

Set or reset the custom avatar and username of Announce!

logging <configure/reset>

Enable logging to see which announcements are being sent, scheduled, and more!


Lets you edit messages sent by Announce.


Cancels a scheduled announcement.


Clone a message sent by Announce to another channel.

Have a question or need help?

You can contact us via our support server!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Announce Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Announce to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Announce Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: ann. or /
Servers: 32.4K
Users: 5.6M
Created by: zhamty#0