Logo for ANU

Upvote ANU

Don't forget to be happy and Come listen to music with me 💕

Back to ANU

*247 - 24/7 in voice channel

*autoplay - Toggle music autoplay

*clearqueue - Remove all songs in queue

*join - Makes me join your voice channel

*leave - Makes me leave the voice channel

*loop - Repeat the queue

*lyrics - Shows the lyrics of the song searched

*nowplaying - Get information about the currently playing song

*pause - Pause the current song

*play - Queue a song or playlist from a search term or url

*queue - Get a list of the full queue

*remove - Remove a song from the queue

*resume - Resume playing the current song

*search - Play a song/playlist or search for a song form youtube

*seek - Point the song to the desired position!

*skip - Skip the currently playing song

*skipto - Skip to the desired song in the queue

*stop - Stops the music

*volume - <Number of volumes between 0 - 150>


*avatar - Showing avatar

*google - Search anything on google.

*math - Let me do your math homework!

*translate - Translates the given message.

*vt - Vote list other bot

*wanted - Overwrite avatars with GTA Wasted!

*wiki - Searches Wikipedia for something.


*help - Return all commands, or one specific command

*invite - Invite me to your server!

*ping - Check ping bot

*prefixset - Set a custom prefix on your server

*serverinfo - Shows info about a server

*status - Show status bot

*userinfo - Shows info about user!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.