Welcome to Araquiel’s Wiki
Important — The default prefix for Araquiel is /. You can change this by doing /set serverprefix (prefix)
Basic Features:
Bank Module
Core Admin Section
Reverse Image Search
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
Important — The default prefix for Araquiel is /. You can change this by doing /set serverprefix (prefix)
Basic Features:
- Admin Modules
- Moderator Modules
- Music Module
- Economy Module
- Leveling Module
- Interaction Module
- Cards Against Humanity
- Image Manipulation
- Tool Module
*NSFW Module
- Economy
- Birthdays
- Modlog
- Moderation Commands
- Leveling
- Games
- Starboard
- Automatic VC Generator
- SpaceX
- Discord Status Checker
- Cookie Store
- Dueling
- Counting Channel
- Casino
- Cookies & Cookie Shop
- Role Shop
- Music
- Dungeon (Raid Containment Feature)
- Emoji Reactions
- Image-Only Channels
- Image generation (Retrosign!)
- Trivia
- Embed Generator
- Welcome Messages
- User Flagging
- Guild Management Tools
- Emoji Reaction Tools
- User Shipping
- Event Maker
- Interaction Commands
- Guild Information Tools
- Color Info Lookup
Sub Commands
- now [np] — Now playing.
- pause — Pause and resume.
- percent — Queue percentage.
- play — Play a URL or search for a track.
- playlist — Playlist configuration options.
- prev — Skip to the start of the previously played track.
- queue [q] — List the queue.
- remove — Remove a specific track number from the queue.
- repeat — Toggle repeat.
- search — Pick a track with a search.
- seek — Seek ahead or behind on a track by seconds.
- shuffle — Toggle shuffle.
- skip — Skip to the next track.
- stop — Stop playback and clear the queue.
- volume — Set the volume, 1% - 150%.
Bank Module
- daily — Claim your daily reward of $300!
- bal [balance] — Check how much ? you have!
- payouts — Show the payouts for the slot machine.
- slot — Use the slot machine.
- leaderboard — Print the leaderboard.
- allin — Bets all your currency for a chance to win big!
- blackjack — Play a game of blackjack.
- casino — Interacts with the Casino system.
- casinoset — Changes Casino settings
- coin — Coin flip game with a 5050 chance to win.
- craps — Plays a modified version of craps
- cups — Guess which cup of three is hiding the coin.
- dice — Roll a set of dice and win on 2, 7, 11, 12.
- double — Play a game of Double Or Nothing.
- hilo — Pick high, low, or 7 in a dice rolling game.
- war — Play a modified game of war.
- addcookies — Add cookies to someone.
- buy — Buy an item from the cookie store.
- cookie — Get your daily dose of cookies.
- cookies — Check how many cookies you have.
- give — Give someone some yummy cookies.
- inventory — See all items you own.
- return — Return an item, you will only get 50% of the price.
- rolecookie — Set cookies for role. If amount isn’t provided, it will show you how much is currently set.
- setcookie — Set the amount of cookies members can obtain.
- setcookies — Set someone’s amount of cookies.
- store — Cookie store.
- takecookies — Take cookies away from someone.
- add — Add a buyable item/role/game key.
- destock — Destock an existing buyable item.
- ping — Set the role/member that should be pinged when a member wants to redeem their item.
- price — Change the price of an existing buyable item.
- remove — Remove a buyable item/role/game key.
- reset — Delete all items from the store.
- resetinventories — Delete all items from all members’ inventories.
- restock — Restock an existing buyable item.
- toggle — Toggle store for current server.
- buyrole — Buy a role.
- buyroleset — Configuration for buyrole
- roleprices — Shows prices of roles
Core Admin Section
- addrole — Add a role to a user.
- editrole — Edit role settings.
- removerole — Remove a role from a user.
- selfrole — Add a role to yourself.
- sendembed — Sends an embed with specified text.
You can use regexes to filter messages, as well as words or sentences. For sentences, you need to use quotes for that to work.
- filter — Add or remove words from server filter.
- filterset — Manage filter settings.
- actionlist — List all configured automated actions for Warnings.
- reasonlist — List all configured reasons for Warnings.
- unwarn — Remove a warning from a user.
- warn — Warn the user for the specified reason.
- warnaction — Manage automated actions for Warnings.
- warnings — List the warnings for the specified user.
- warningset — Manage settings for Warnings.
- warnreason — Manage warning reasons.
- baka — You baka!
- boop — Boop!
- cat — Show a cat GIF
- cuddle — Cuddles a user!
- feed — Feeds a user!
- fortune — What are your chances?
- gecg — Genetically engineered catgirl memes
- highfive — Highfives a user!
- hugs — Hugs a user!
- kiss — Kiss a user!
- lick — Licks a user!
- neko — Show a neko!
- pat — Pats a user!
- poke — Pokes a user!
- slap — Slaps a user!
- smug — Be smug towards someone!
- tickle — Tickles a user!
- waifu — Show a waifu!
- ban — Ban a user from this server.
- hackban — Pre-emptively ban a user from this server.
- ignore — Add servers or channels to the ignore list.
- kick — Kick a user.
- modset — Manage server administration settings.
- mute — Mute users.
- names — Show previous names and nicknames of a user.
- rename — Change a user’s nickname.
- softban — Kick a user and delete 1 day’s worth of their messages.
- tempban — Temporarily ban a user from this server.
- unban — Unban a user from this server.
- unignore — Remove servers or channels from the ignore list.
- unmute — Unmute users.
- userinfo — Show information about a user.
- voicekick — Kick a member from a voice channel.
- voiceban — Ban a user from speaking and listening in the server’s voice channels.
- voiceunban — Unban a user from speaking and listening in the server’s voice channels.
- purge — Delete specified messages [Example: purge 15]
- backgrounds — Gives a list of backgrounds. [p]backgrounds [profile|rank|levelup]
- badge — Badge configuration options
- lvladmin — Admin settings.
- lvlinfo — Gives more specific details about a user’s profile.
- lvlset — Profile configuration options.
- profile — Displays a user profile.
- rank — Displays the rank of a user.
- rep — Gives a reputation point to a designated player.
- role — Role configuration.
- top — Displays the leaderboard.
Reverse Image Search
- saucenao — Reverse search image via SauceNAO
- tracemoe — Reverse search image via WAIT
- access — Check channel access
- banlist — Displays the server’s banlist.
- cid — Shows the channel ID.
- cinfo — Shows channel information. Defaults to current text channel.
- eid — Get an id for an emoji.
- einfo — Emoji information.
- inrole — Check members in the role specified.
- listchannel — List the channels of the current server
- listguilds — List the guilds|servers the bot is in
- newusers — Lists the newest 5 members.
- perms — Fetch a specific user’s permissions.
- rid — Shows the id of a role.
- rinfo — Shows role info.
- sid — Show the server ID.
- sinfo — Shows server information.
- uinfo — Shows user information. Defaults to author.
- whatis — What is it?
- getroles — Displays all roles their ID and number of members in order of
- emoji — Post a large size emojis in chat
- serverinfo — Show server information.
- discordstatus — Get current discord status from status.discordapp.com
- imageonly — Toggles the channel to me image-only.
- botstats — Display stats about the bot
- channeledit — Modify channel options
- channelstats — Gets total messages in a specific channel as well as the user who said them.
- getguild — Display info about servers the bot is on
- getreactions — Gets a list of all reactions from specified message and displays the user ID,
- getroles — Displays all roles their ID and number of members in order of
- guildedit — Edit various guild settings
- listchannels — Lists channels and their position and ID for a server
- nummembers — Display number of users on a server
- pruneroles — Perform various actions on users who haven’t spoken in x days
- serverstats — Gets total messages on the server and displays each channel.
color — See command group below:
Retriggercolor name (color name)
color hsl (hsl value)
color rgb (rgb value)
color hex (hex value)
Identify expressions and alert staff members when an expression is detected.
- retrigger — Setup automatic triggers based on regular expressions
- banish Strip a user of their roles, apply the dungeon role, and blacklist them.
- dungeon Main dungeon commands – Specified below:
- announce Sets the announcement channel for users moved to the dungeon.
- autoban Toggle auto-banning users instead of sending them to the dungeon.
- autosetup Automatically set up the dungeon channel and role to apply to suspicious users.
- banmessage Set the message to send on an autoban. If message is left blank, no message will be sent.
- blacklist Toggle auto-blacklisting for the bot for users moved to the dungeon.
- channel Sets the text channel to use for the dungeon.
- dm Set the message to send on successful verification.
- joindays Set how old an account needs to be a trusted user.
- modlog Toggle using the Red mod-log for auto-bans.
- profiletoggle Toggles flagging accounts that have a default profile pic.
- role Sets the role to use for the dungeon.
- settings Show the current settings.
- toggle Toggle the dungeon on or off.
- userrole Sets the role to give to new users that are not sent to the dungeon.
- usertoggle Toggle the user role on or off.
- verify Verify a user: remove the dungeon role and add initial user role.
- decode — Decode a string.
- encode — Encode a string.
- hash — Various hashing commands
- massrole — Commands for mass role management
- rolebind — Binds a role to a reaction on a message…
- roleset — Settings for role requirements
- roleunbind — unbinds a role from a reaction on a message
- srole — Self assignable role commands
- bankstats — Show stats of the bank.
- prefix — Show all prefixes of the bot
- servercount — Send servers stats of the bot.
- serversregions — Show total of regions where the bot is.
- usagecount — Show the usage count of the bot.
Automatically make user generated rooms with configurations you set.
Commands:- autoroomset — Commands for configuring autorooms
- tempchannelset — Temporary Channel Settings
- report — Send a report.
- reportset — Manage Reports.
- clearevent — Delete a stored event so you can create more
- event — Create an event
- eventset — Manage server specific settings for events
- join — Join an event being hosted
- leaveevent — Leave an event being hosted
- removefromevent — Remove a user from an event you’re hosting
- showevent — Show current event being run by a member
- gif — Retrieve the first search result from Giphy.
- gifr — Retrieve a random GIF from a Giphy search.
- imgur — Retrieve pictures from Imgur.
- dare — Dare someone!
- truth — Ask a truth question to users!
- wouldyourather [wyr] — Would you rather?
- countchannel — Set the counting channel.
- countgoal — Set the counting goal.
- countreset — Reset the counter and start from 0 again!
Birthdays are server-based, not global.
- birthday — Sets your birthday [Example: birthday 12-10 2002]
- birthdays — List birthdays on the server. [Example: birthdays]
- star — Manually star a message using a message ID [Example: star 562988389184569344]
- starboard — Commands for managing the starboard
- guildemojis — Display all server emojis in a menu that can be scrolled through
- avatar [av] — Display a users avatar in chat
- someone — Help I’ve fallen and I need @someone.
- ship — Calculate the love percentage!
- away — Tell the bot you’re away or back.
- awaysettings — View your current away settings
- dnd — Set an automatic reply when you’re dnd.
- gaming — Set an automatic reply when you’re playing a specified game.
- idle — Set an automatic reply when you’re idle.
- listening — Set an automatic reply when you’re listening to Spotify.
- offline — Set an automatic reply when you’re offline.
- streaming — Set an automatic reply when you’re streaming.
- toggleaway — Toggle away messages on the whole server.
- duel — Duel another player
- duels — Show your dueling history.
- protect — Manage the protection list (adds items)
- protected — Displays the duel protection list
- unprotect — Manage the protection list
- russian — Start or join a game of russian roulette.
- cahcredits — Code credits.
- cahgames — Displays up to 10 CAH games in progress.
- chat — Broadcasts a message to the other players in your game.
- flushhand — Flushes the cards in your hand - can only be done once per game.
- game — Displays the game’s current status.
- hand — Shows your hand.
- idlekick — Sets whether or not to kick members if idle for 5 minutes or more. Can only be done by the player who created the game.
- joinbot — Adds a bot to the game. Can only be done by the player who created the game.
- joinbots — Adds bots to the game. Can only be done by the player who created the game.
- joincah — Join a Cards Against Humanity game. If no id or user is passed, joins a random game.
- laid — Shows who laid their cards and who hasn’t.
- lay — Lays a card or cards from your hand. If multiple cards are needed, separate them by a comma (1,2,3).
- leavecah — Leaves the current game you’re in.
- newcah — Starts a new Cards Against Humanity game.
- pick — As the judge - pick the winning card(s).
- removebot — Removes a bot from the game. Can only be done by the player who created the game.
- removeplayer — Removes a player from the game. Can only be done by the player who created the game.
- score — Display the score of the current game.