This is a feature-rich bot with multiple purposes - Music, High Moderation, Fun, Info, Economy System, discord-telephone, Image Manipulation. It has over 110 commands and last but not the least, Multi and Singleplayer Games for your entertainment!
List of Commands --
- addmoney
- balance
- beg
- buy
- daily
- deposit
- fish
- leaderboard
- pay
- profile
- removemoney
- rob
- roulette
- sell
- setbackground
- setinfo
- slots
- store
- weekly
- withdraw
- work
- calculate
- coinflip
- meme
- motivation
- roast
- say
- soundboard
- status
- tts
- urbandictionary
- akinator
- blackjack
- connectfour
- duelquiz
- gunfight
- horserace
- memory
- rps
- russianroulette
- tictactoe
- trivia
- avatar
- avatarfusion
- captcha
- clyde
- facepalm
- gif
- love
- phcomment
- tweet
- channelinfo
- help
- invitations
- level
- news
- ping
- poll
- roleinfo
- rolememberinfo
- serverinfo
- uptime
- weather
- whois
- wikipedia
- addrole
- ban
- disablemodlogchannel
- disablemuterole
- disableverification
- disablewelcomechannel
- disablexp
- kick
- mute
- purge
- removerole
- setmodlogchannel
- setmuterole
- setnick
- setprefix
- setverification
- setwelcomechannel
- setxp
- unban
- unmute
- verify
- warn
- join
- leave
- loop
- lyrics
- musictrivia
- nowplaying
- pause
- play
- queue
- remove
- resume
- search
- shuffle
- skip
- skipall
- skipto
- stop
- stopmusictrivia
- volume
- hangup
- phonebook
- phonecall
- setphonechannel