Arceus name is derived from a pokemon which is considered as the God of pokemon and to keep the legitness of this name i present you the legit bot Arceus!! It’s a great fun bot as well as a good moderation bot. The most advanced and well organised Economy game in which you #work
to earn in game money from which you buy in game products which you can use to do many more things. As it is global based so all the server have players have same balance in all the server and global leaderboard chart where the ruler rules. The basic commands of economy are #work,#dep,#bal,#with,#beg,#bet,#shop,#inv and many more. And its not only good in this advanced Casino game but it has an awesome gif game where you write commands amd mention users then random gifs related to the command which is given by the user. And not only this it has many more small games for excelent time pass and fun. Now lets come to moderation part it has application which can be used when selecting staff. It has all moderation command needed for a bot that can be said a complete bot from kick,ban,warn,mute,unban,unmute and more And one more thing i forgot i just remebered while selecting tags it has an excelent meme viewing system
Arceus Discord Bot
Full Arceus Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Economy commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.
0 upvotes in DecemberArceus Discord Bot Described:
A legit fun bot with 75+ commands which includes advanced casino,gif game,fun games and it has many moderation commandsFrequently Asked Questions
How do I add Arceus Discord Bot to my server?
You can add Arceus to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Arceus Discord Bot' on this page.More Discord Bots
Meet the largest in-app indie game on Discord. A currency and fishing game for catching creatures, collecting items, robbing your friends, taking care of pets, building skills, and more!