Logo for Aromic

Upvote Aromic

Aromic is a Multipurpose Bot. It has Moderation, Utility, Fun, etc..

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Here is the Commands list!
🤗 | Actions
pat, kill, slap, highfive, hug, spank, forekiss, kiss, smile, bully, cry, blush
👹 | Anime
animesearch, image, animenews
💰 | Economy
setup, beg, balance, deposit, withdraw, give
🥳 | Fun
meme, dog, cat, virus, hack, emojify
🎲 | Games
findimposter, tictactoe, hangman, 8ball, rps
🛠️ | Utility
afk, membercount, avatar, slowmode, userinfo, serverinfo, addrole, removerole, lock, unlock, timer
ℹ️ | Info
ping, botinfo, help, uptime
🔨 | Moderation
kick, ban, unban, mute, unmute, purge
🔎 | Search
lang, wiki, googlesearch, imgsearch, votecheck
📺 | Youtube
ytsearch, ytchannel, trending

For more Information check our Official Server.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.