AshBot Commands
Discover the full list of AshBot commands with this guide. Easily navigate through the AshBot Bot commands list and find the perfect one for your needs.
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Here are the Commands for AshBot Bot:
- /8ball question - Ask the magic 8-ball a question
- /about - Get information about the bot.
- /accept suggestion_id reason - Accept a suggestion
- /add user - Add a user to the ticket with specific permissions
- /afk mutuals reason - Set or unset AFK status
- /ai prompt image - Ask an a GPT-4 model
- /autoreact enable channel emoji - Enable auto reactions for the channel
- /autoreact disable channel - Disable auto reactions for the channel
- /autorole channel role1 role2 role3 role4 role5 - Setup Autoroles
- /avatar user - Fetch user avatar.
- /ban user reason - Bans a user from the server.
- /bin lang input - Add to Sourcebin
- /bug message - Report a bug and allow developers to check in your server.
- /bumpable channel role - Set server preferred bump channel and role
- /calc expression - Perform calculations
- /cat - Get a random cat image
- /cdn file - Upload a file to our CDN server.
- /checkvote - Your Vote Status.
- /clearwarn user - Remove all warnings for a user.
- /close - Close a support ticket
- /closereq reason - Ask the user to confirm the ticket is able to be closed.
- /counter new channel role - Set up a member counter for a specific role in a channel
- /counter remove channel - Remove an existing member counter for a specific role in a channel
- /delwarn user - Remove the oldest warning from a user.
- /deny suggestion_id reason - Deny a suggestion
- /dm - DM user to review their ticket!
- /dog - Get a random dog image
- /embed title description color channel footericon footer authorurl authoricon author image thumbnail url textcontent messageid - Create a custom embed
- /flip - Flip a coin to get heads or tails
- /game 2048 - Play 2048!
- /game emojify text - Emojify text
- /game snake - Play Snake!
- /game minesweeper - Starts a Minesweeper game
- /game fast-type - Play FastType!
- /game find-emoji - Play FindEmoji!
- /game flood difficulty - Starts a Flood game
- /game guess-the-pokemon - Play Hangman!
- /game match-pairs - Play Hangman!
- /game hangman - Play Hangman!
- /game rps user - Play Rock Paper Scissors!
- /game connect4 user - Play Connect4!
- /game tictactoe user - Play Tic Tac Toe!
- /generatepassword - Generate a random password and send it to your DM
- /giveaway create channel time winners prize - Create a giveaway
- /giveaway delete id - Delete a giveaway
- /giveaway end id - End a giveaway
- /giveaway reroll id - Reroll a giveaway
- /help - Get a link to the website with all available commands
- /hug user - Send a virtual hug to someone
- /info server - Displays information about the server
- /info user user - Displays information about a user
- /invite - Get the invite link for this bot
- /joke dad - Get a random dad joke
- /joke dark - Get a random dark joke
- /kick user reason - Kicks a user from the server.
- /lock channel duration - Locks down a specific channel to prevent users from sending messages.
- /make now - Generate a timestamp for current time
- /math2latex - Convert math syntax into LaTeX
- /mc skin username - Get the Minecraft skin of a player
- /mc status ip - Get the status of a Minecraft server
- /membercount - Get the member count of the server
- /meme - Get a random meme
- /mute user duration reason - Mute a user for a certain period
- /neko - Fetches a neko image from API.
- /nick nickname user - Change the nickname of a user.
- /notbumpable - Remove server preferred bump channel and role
- /note add user content - Add a note for a user
- /note view user - View notes for a user
- /note delete id - Delete a note by its ID
- /note clear user - Clear all notes for a user
- /ping - Ping command with datacenter location
- /pokemon search - Find Pokemon.
- /poll question options - Create a poll with multiple options
- /purge amount - Deletes a specified number of messages from the channel.
- /qr-code message - Make a QR code from a input
- /remove log-channel - Remove the logs channel.
- /remove welcome-channel - Remove the welcome channel.
- /remove leaves-channel - Remove the leaves channel.
- /remove join-role - Remove the join role.
- /remove ticket-channel - Remove the ticket channel.
- /remove suggestion-channel - Remove the suggestion channel.
- /role add user role duration - Adds a role to a specific user
- /role remove user role duration - Removes a role from a specific user
- /role all role - Adds a role to all members
- /role removeall role - Removes a role from all members
- /role humans role - Adds a role to all humans
- /role info role - Displays information about a specific role
- /roles - Displays all roles in the server.
- /roll dice_amount dice_sides - Roll dice.
- /setup log-channel channel - Set the log channel.
- /setup welcome-channel channel - Set the welcome channel.
- /setup leaves-channel channel - Set the leaves channel.
- /setup join-role role - Set the join role.
- /setup ticket-channel channel - Set the ticket channel.
- /setup suggestion-channel channel - Set the suggestion channel.
- /setup verification channel role - Set the verification channel.
- /setup security - Enable security for the server.
- /shorten url keyword - Shorten your URL
- /softban user reason - Softbans a user from the server.
- /stats - Display bot statistics
- /stick start message_content - Stick a message to the channel
- /stick stop - Stop stickied messages in the channel
- /suggest suggestion - Create a suggestion
- /support - Join our Support Server for help!
- /transfer summary action role - Transfer the ticket!
- /translate message lang - Translate a message to another language
- /unban user reason - Unban a user
- /unlock channel - Unlocks a specific channel to allow users to send messages.
- /unmute user reason - Unmute a user
- /verify - Verify yourself
- /vote - Get links to vote for the bot
- /waifu - Fetches a waifu image from API.
- /warn user reason - Warn a user for a specific reason.
- /warns user - View all warnings for a user.
- /whitelist remove user - Remove a user from the whitelist
- /whitelist view - View the users in the whitelist
- /whitelist add user - Add a user to the whitelist
- /wolfram query - Query WolframAlpha for information