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Atom, The multi-purpose discord bot that fits your servers needs.

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Atom is a multi-purpose bot that includes the following:

Automoderation: Antighostping, Antiinvite, Antilinks, Automute, Autokick, Autoban/

Admin: Autorole, Counter, Welcoming, Warning, Custom modlog channel, reaction roles, Per guild settings.

Moderation: Warning, Muting, Kicking, Banning, Nickname changer, Purge, Voice moderation

Economy: Bank, Balance, Deposit, Withdraw, Transfer, Beg, Daily, Gamble.

Fun: Animal images, Animal facts, Coin flip, Text flip, Memes, Snake game, Giveaways.

Image: Filters, Generators.

Invites: Invite code lister, Inviter info, Invite ranks, Total invite tracker, invite reset.

Information: Leaderboard, Profile, Rank, Bot Stats, User, Channel, Bot, Avater info.

Music: Bassboost, Loop, Nowplaying, Pause, Play, Queue, Resume, Search, Seek, Shuffle, Skip, Stop, Volume.

Social: Reputation.

Ticket: Ticket Setup, Custom channel logs, Limit, Close, Close all, Adduser, Removeuser.

Utility: Web Dashboard, Bigemoji, Covid stats, Github stats, Paste, Proxy Generator, Translation, Urban.

Dashboard: https://atom.divisionsolar.xyz

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.