Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
Get started customizing your discord community using features that you need to make a better place where users can share, make new friends and create a wonderful community for your users.
Commands:What’s AtomixBot?
- a!help - Brings you a message with all available commands.
- a!info - Gives you all public and secret information about Atomix (Like VM Resource Usage and more…)
- a!purge - Allows you to clear an certain amount of messages with a simple command.
- a!config - Customize Atomix to make your community something unique for your users.
More commands on the way…
Need Support with Atomix?
- Atomix is a new multipurpose discord bot with features like event logging, message purge and other amazing ideas that are coming to see the light in a near future. Get started using Atomix Bot and expand the limits of your community.