AUBot Discord Bot Logo

AUBot Discord Bot

Invite AUBot to your server and use its commands to select your favorite color and mute everyone. Enjoy the music without any muting. Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in February

AUBot Discord Bot Described:

Start the companion program, select your color in discord and don't worry about muting anymore. No muting via commands or anything, just play.
AUBot HowTo
  1. Info
  • Only one person from a lobby needs to run the program
  • Lobbycode and region are automatically set by the program
  • Muting happens automatically without having to write annoying commands etc.
  • Dead people will stay muted until game finishes
  • Current limit is 2 games at the same time per server
  1. Youtube Tutorial

  2. Basic steps

  • Add the bot to your server InviteLink (or play on the main server)
  • Join this discord server to get the newest companion program MainServer
  • Select your role on the server to download the german/english version
  1. How To: Linking
  • Write au!token into a channel or as private message to the bot
  • Start the program
  • Input the token from the private message from the bot (If that fails try copying the token into the automatically generated “AUBotToken.txt” and restart)
  1. How To: Play
  • Join a voice channel
  • Write au!play into a text channel
  • Start the program | only one person from a lobby needs to run the program | “pymem.process Error” is not a bug, just ignore it
  • Select the color you are using in game by clicking the emoji
  • The (yellow exclamation mark) unlinks you if you want to stay in a channel and keep talking
  • Unlinking happens automatically when leaving a channel

Program screenshot:
Discord screenshot:

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add AUBot Discord Bot to my server?

You can add AUBot to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add AUBot Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: au!
Servers: 263
Users: 13.6K
Created by: jan#6375