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one of the bots that has a feature to change nicknames when members join the server, and this bot is very good to use for servers such as game community or any server
You can change the nickname settings as you like, you can change their names, or add nicknames in front of or behind their names
and by changing your nickname, you can prevent members from falsifying data or pretending to be important people or being someone else on your server
Before You Use bots Make sure you add permissions in the channel for the AUTONICKNAME role like this
And make sure the AutoNickname ROLE is above the Members role
help - Show All Command
setnick - Setup Auto NickName , Leave It Blank For Disable
setprefix - Change the prefix for this bot in the server.
checknick - Check Current Nickname used for auto nickname in ur server.
getnick - This command can change the nickname of members who have long joined the server with terms and conditions
ping - Check ping Bots
about - Sends information about the bot, owner, donate and etc
rules - A description of the rules or terms and conditions for using AutoNicknameBot
How to Use?
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