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A multi purpose discord bot with no paywall

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This is a multipurpose bot that does everything from leveling to moderation, there are heaps of commands to have fun with and manage the server with. Every command so far has a slash command aswell as a basic text command starting with a customisable prefix (! is default). Use /help or !help to get started!


<> : Required argument
[] : Optional argument

<USER>/[USER] : Enter a users ID or @MENTION

COMMAND | COMMAND ALIAS : Specifies a commands alias, you can use either of them to run the command


!hi: Say hi to the bot

!kill <NAME> : Kills a user (Very deadly)

!xp [USER] : Says how much xp you or another user has

!xpleaderboard [PAGE] | xplb [PAGE] : Shows the xp leaderboard

!8ball : Shake the magic 8ball

!truth : Asks you a truth question

!dare : Dares you to do something

!embed “<EMBED TITLE>” “<EMBED CONTENT>” <CHANNEL> : Sends an embed in a specified channel, if no channel s specified sends in current channel

!youtube <QUERY> : Searches YouTube for with the query text and sends top video result

!reactionroles | rr : Starts the process of creating a reaction roles embed


!kick <USER> [REASON] : Kicks the user

!ban <USER> [REASON] : Bans the user

!unban <USER> [REASON] : Unbans the user

!mute <USER> : Mutes the user so that they can’t speak in text channels

!warn <@USER> [Minor/Medium/Severe] [REASON] : Warns a user

!warn settings <SETTING> : Changes warning settings incl. punishments. Use without arguments to send all valid settings.

!log <SUBCOMMAND> : Edits the logging settings, use without SUBCOMMAND to see all subcommands

!nodelete <enable/disable> : Enables/disables the anti deletion feature (Resends messages when they are deleted)

!automod <SUBCOMMAND> : Edits the auto mod settings, use without SUBCOMMAND to see all subcommands

!listwarns <USER> : Lists all warns the specified user has received


!help : Shows this embed

!makeprefix <PREFIX> | setprefix | bcyesprefix : Sets the bots command prefix

!joinleavemsg | jlm : Configures the messages for when people join/leave the server. Send without arguments for help.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.