Bigbot Discord Bot Logo

Bigbot Discord Bot

Invite Bigbot Bot to your server and enjoy its multifunctional commands. Get started with Bigbot Discord Bot today!

0 upvotes in February

Bigbot Discord Bot Described:

A multifunction bot with lots of different modules!

BigBot is a great multi-function bot for giving your server users a great experience in your server. Bigbot’s commands are customly crafted to keep your server alive and keep a great community, while still being able to enforce rules and keep the server safe.


  • Fetching data from lots of APIs to enhance the user’s experience in the server
  • Commands such as -warn, -ban, and -mute to punish users who break rules in your server with an automod releasing soon!
  • Lot’s of customizable features and settings are able to be changed such as -prefix and much more!
  • Cool features to learn more about the bot such as -uptime and -info
  • And a great support discord to assist you with any necessary help with the bot

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Click Here for our Website to Order Custom Bots and more Info about BigBot

Command Name Usage Description
warn -warn [member] [reason] Warns the user and stores the warn in a database
reason -reason [caseid] [reason] sets a reason for an already given warn
search -search [member] search for a user’s history in warns
removewarn -removewarn [caseid] Removes a warn from the user
mute -mute [member] [mutetime] Mutes the user, removes their permissions to speak
unmute -unmute [member] Unmutes the user, allows them to speak again
kick -kick [member] [reason] Kicks the user from the server, makes them need to have an invite to rejoin
ban -ban [member] [reason] Bans the user from the server, makes the user need to be unbanned to rejoin
unban -unban [user] [reason] Unbans the user from the server, makes the user able to join the server again
lock -tlock [channel] [reason] [Temporarily Broken - Fix incoming] Locks a channel so it requires administator permissions to speak.
unlock -unlock [channel] [reason] [Temporarily Broken - Fix incoming] Unlocks a channel so that everyone may speak in the channel again
purge -purge [amount] Deletes the amount of messages included in the argument of the command
prefix -prefix Sends the prefix for the server
prefix set -prefix set [prefix] Sets the prefix of the bot for the server
settings -settings change [setting] [new status] [Work In Progress]
mcskin -mcskin [username] Fetches the minecraft skin of a Minecraft player
randomfact -randomfact Sends a random fact
meme -meme Sends a random meme from r/memes
dankmeme -dankmeme Sends a random dankmeme from r/dankmemes
support -support Sends Bigbot’s support server
info -info Sends info about the bot
uptime -uptime Sends the bot’s uptime
ping -ping Sends the bot’s hosting server’s uptime
servers -servers Sends the servers/amount of servers the bot is in [Only Owner can see server names]
connect -connect <channel name> Joins the voice channel the command user is in or the name of the channel
play -play [song name/search text] Plays/searches a song/video from youtube
pause -resume pauses the song/video
skip -skip Skips the song/video
queue -queue Sends the current queue of all songs/videos playing
now_playing -now_playing Sends what is currently playing
volume -volume [volume[num 1-100] Changes the volume of the song/video
stop -stop Stops the current song playing and leaves
disconnect -disconnect Disconnects from the voice channel
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Bigbot Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Bigbot to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Bigbot Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: -
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: nope#8182