BigBot is a great multi-function bot for giving your server users a great experience in your server. Bigbot’s commands are customly crafted to keep your server alive and keep a great community, while still being able to enforce rules and keep the server safe.
- Fetching data from lots of APIs to enhance the user’s experience in the server
- Commands such as
, and-mute
to punish users who break rules in your server with an automod releasing soon! - Lot’s of customizable features and settings are able to be changed such as
and much more! - Cool features to learn more about the bot such as
- And a great support discord to assist you with any necessary help with the bot
Click Here to Join Our Discord
Click Here for our Website to Order Custom Bots and more Info about BigBot
Command Name | Usage | Description |
warn | -warn [member] [reason] | Warns the user and stores the warn in a database |
reason | -reason [caseid] [reason] | sets a reason for an already given warn |
search | -search [member] | search for a user’s history in warns |
removewarn | -removewarn [caseid] | Removes a warn from the user |
mute | -mute [member] [mutetime] | Mutes the user, removes their permissions to speak |
unmute | -unmute [member] | Unmutes the user, allows them to speak again |
kick | -kick [member] [reason] | Kicks the user from the server, makes them need to have an invite to rejoin |
ban | -ban [member] [reason] | Bans the user from the server, makes the user need to be unbanned to rejoin |
unban | -unban [user] [reason] | Unbans the user from the server, makes the user able to join the server again |
lock | -tlock [channel] [reason] | [Temporarily Broken - Fix incoming] Locks a channel so it requires administator permissions to speak. |
unlock | -unlock [channel] [reason] | [Temporarily Broken - Fix incoming] Unlocks a channel so that everyone may speak in the channel again |
purge | -purge [amount] | Deletes the amount of messages included in the argument of the command |
prefix | -prefix | Sends the prefix for the server |
prefix set | -prefix set [prefix] | Sets the prefix of the bot for the server |
settings | -settings change [setting] [new status] | [Work In Progress] |
mcskin | -mcskin [username] | Fetches the minecraft skin of a Minecraft player |
randomfact | -randomfact | Sends a random fact |
meme | -meme | Sends a random meme from r/memes |
dankmeme | -dankmeme | Sends a random dankmeme from r/dankmemes |
support | -support | Sends Bigbot’s support server |
info | -info | Sends info about the bot |
uptime | -uptime | Sends the bot’s uptime |
ping | -ping | Sends the bot’s hosting server’s uptime |
servers | -servers | Sends the servers/amount of servers the bot is in [Only Owner can see server names] |
connect | -connect <channel name> | Joins the voice channel the command user is in or the name of the channel |
play | -play [song name/search text] | Plays/searches a song/video from youtube |
pause | -resume | pauses the song/video |
skip | -skip | Skips the song/video |
queue | -queue | Sends the current queue of all songs/videos playing |
now_playing | -now_playing | Sends what is currently playing |
volume | -volume [volume[num 1-100] | Changes the volume of the song/video |
stop | -stop | Stops the current song playing and leaves |
disconnect | -disconnect | Disconnects from the voice channel |