using Google translation.
Blade NEXT
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Blade NEXT
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BladeNEXT APIを使用すれば他のサービスなどでもサーバーの情報などを確認出来たりする事が出来ます。
help | Display help for a command. |
info | Provides some information about this bot. |
invite | Displays the join guild link of the bot. |
ping | Runs a connection test to Discord. |
stats | Provides some details about the bot and stats. |
userconf | Define per-user settings. |
discordstats | Check Discord server status |
server | Check Guild server status |
avatar | Get the URL of your Avatar |
conf | Define per-guild settings. |
image | Search image |
r18image | Display an image including NSFW |
docs | Searches the Discord.js docs for your query. |
mdn | Searches MDN for your query. |
roleinfo | Get information on a role with an id or a mention. |
userinfo | Get information on a mentioned user. |
wikipedia | Search and display Wikipedia articles from the title. |
prefix | Change the command prefix the bot uses in your server. |
language | Language settings |
support | Support server invitation link |
vote | Vote for this bot |