Hey! I am a bot that is here to help you in many ways! Including:
- Creating a full server within 2 commands (You will need to setup the permissions, I’m too lazy)
- Showing awesome doggy pictures! Might add cats soon when one decides to be cute…
- Send custom join/leave messages to any join/leave channel that you set, yes I don’t set this up either for you
- Give you an infinity gauntlet profile picture within the snap of a command! (See what I did there?)
- Convert inches to centimeters and centimeters to inches so you can measure… Well… You know…
- Give you more information about me! With a bottox of a command!
- Send level information and level you up… Not configurable just yet, I don’t like taking too many orders…
- You can send suggestions to my owner through a command, yep, he is too dumb to think of any to add, muhahaha
- Report users to my owner through a command, maybe he can help you out with something?
- I also have fun commands so you can create tombstomes, jail people, give gauntlets, like come on, who doesn’t want to jail and then snap their friends out of existence?
- Got some amazing new flashy roblox and minecraft commands! Be careful though, I have a tendency to blox people… Haha?
- Now I also have a money system, some people call it dough? I don’t know why though…
- Log roles/channels being created! People keep hitting me with these logs
- Did you notice I can also make cheesy jokes and puns?
- I can also setup a muterole and a command role, so anyone with the muterole is muted… Anyone with the command role can use moderation commands.
And there is much more where this comes from! Well it only comes from one place, but a lot of people seem to say it so I’ma just follow the crowd. <- (Punctuation is important btw)