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BombaBot is a high quilty bot used for moderation and music and some fun commands there's a lot of good commands in the bot and we will be trying to provide the best for the users.

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BombaBot is a high quilty bot used for moderation and music and some fun commands there’s a lot of good commands in the bot and we will be trying to provide the best for the users.

∎ (Moderation) addrole, ban, disableverification, disablexp, kick, mute purge , removerole, setverification, setxp, unban, unmute ,verify, warn ∎ (Economy) balance, beg, buy, daily, deposit, fish, leaderboard, pay, profile, rob, roulette, sell, setbackground, setinfo, slots, store, weekly, withdraw, work, addmoney, removemoney ∎ (Fun) coinflip, meme, motivation, roast, say, status, tts ∎ (Info) channelinfo, help, invite, level, ping, poll, roleinfo, rolememberinfo, serverinfo, weather, whois ∎ (Image) avatar, avatarfusion, gif, tweet ∎ (Music) loop, lyrics, nowplaying, pause, play, queue, resume, shuffle, skip, stop! 24 hours online bot

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