Important Links
Bot Twitter Page
Bot Website
Bot Support Server
Name | Role |
Callumok2004 | Founder/Creator/Developer |
Gerbs | Co-Founder/Developer |
The Bots Prefix Is: --
use --config set channel <#channel>
to set log channel!
- Moderation
- Some Moderation commands to help your discord server!
- Fun Features:
- Some Fun commands for your server members to play around with!
- Music
- Feeling bored? Why not listen to some music!
Fun Commands:
Cat | What I think of cats!
Embed | i say it, in an embed
Gay | How gay I think someone is!
Hello | I say hello to you!
Pineapple | Don’t use this!
Pizza | My Thoughts On pizza!
potp | My Best Server, In ascii form!
Slots | Play a game of slots!
Catgif | Funny gif of a cat!
Joke | I will tell you a dad joke!
Meme | Want a meme, use this!
oof | oof
Pizzagif | Gif related to Pizza!
Rickroll | Never gonna give you up!
time | This will make you laugh!
Gifsearch | Gif related to what you say!
Cowsay | make a cow say something!
Playdough | Epilepsy Warning!
Quiz | Why not take a quiz!\
Ban | Ban a user from the server!
Kick | Kick a user from the server!
Lockchannel | Lock the channel
Mute | Stop a user from talking!
warn | Warn a user!\
Play | I will play your choosen song!
Playing | Current Song Playing!
Queue | Next songs to play!
Volume | Change level of sound!
Pause/Resume | Pause/resume song!
Stop | Clear Playlist, and stop the song!\
coolservers | Some cool servers
Creator | My creator’s discord!
credits | People who help develop me!
google | I will google anything!
invite | Add me to your server!
Ping | Bot/Discord Ping!
Stats | Bot and server stats!
suggest | suggest something!
support | links for support!
bump | Grow your server!
Calculate | do some maths
userinfo | Info on any user!
Weather | Get the weather