These are all the commands CaveTheBot is able to do.
If you’d like to leave suggestions for improvement or feedback, please do /feebdack and type in what you’d like to tell.
If you’d like to find out more about the bot, please do /botinfo, for the APIs being used, do /api.
CaveTheBot is running 24/7!
ping | Shows your ping
whoami | Tells you who you are
cavemaker | Tells you everything you need to know about Cavemaker
whatisyourpurpose | Tells you why this bot exists
hi | Be polite and greet the bot
ball <question> | Ask CaveTheBot a question and he will answer it
coin | Toss a coin
randomnumber | Gives you a random number from 0-100
wolfram <question> Ask wolfram anything! From math to regular questions about life!
If it’s more than one word, use quotation marks please!
translate <language> <text> to translate a text into any language your heart desires
tictactoe <you> <user you’d like to play with> | Play tictactoe against a user
place <spot> | Place your mark
minesweeper <columns> <rows> <bombs> | Play a classic game of minesweeper
play <url>/name | Play a song you like
leave | Disconnects CaveTheBot from the voice channel
pause | Pauses the current audio
resume | Continues playing the audio
stop | Stops and removes whatever is currently playing and the entire queue
queue | Shows the current queue
now | Shows what’s currently playing
skip | Skips the current song
remove <number in queue> | Removes a song from the queue
balance | Shows how much money you have
beg | Beg for money
work | Work for money
crime | Commit a crime for money
deposit <amount> | Deposit your earned money
withdraw <amount> | Withdraw money from your bank
sendmoney <user> <amount> | Sends money to a user
rob <user> | Rob a user
naughty | Do some naughty stuff and earn money with it
slots <amount> | Gamble on the slotmachine
caniwin <amount> | Pay and ask CaveTheBot if you could get your money doubled
shop | Open the shop
buy <amount> <item> | Buy an item from the shop
sell <amount> <item> | Sell an item -
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