Celesta Discord Bot Logo

Celesta Discord Bot

Invite Celesta Bot to your server and enjoy its multifunctional commands, from Stats to Anime, Motivational Quotes to Moderation. Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in September

Celesta Discord Bot Described:

Celesta easy-to-use multifunctional Discord bot! Stats, Facts, Poll, Search, Anime, Motivational Quotes, Memes, Fun, AI, Moderation, and much more...

Celesta ✔ is now officially verified by Discord!
I’m happy to announce that Celesta has been officially verified, so feel free to add it to your server, and don’t forget to join our support server!

  • Announcement Published March 10, 2021

Prefix @Celesta is only for AI Chat Bot and | for other commands.

Celesta is a powerful Discord bot! It’s designed for the multipurpose to make Discord easier to use and to have a great experience.

  • Help = |help :Displays a list of available commands with detailed information for a specific command.
  • Help = |help :Displays a list of available commands with detailed information for a specific command.

  • Invite = |invite :Invite Clesta Responds with the bots invite links.

  • Avatar = |avatar, |avatar @mention :Responds with a users avatar.

  • Advanced Poll = |createpoll <message> | option 1 | option 2 :Create advanced poll upto 10 options.

  • Announcement = |announcement <#channel> <message> :Do announcement in a specific channel.

  • Stats = |stats :Sends information about the server., |stats <user_id>, |stats @mention :Sends information about an user.

  • Facts = |fact :Responds with a random fact.

  • Motivational Quotes = |quote :Responds with a random motivational quote.

  • Icon = |servericon :Get the current server icon.

  • User Count = |userserver :Get the current server users with name.

  • Wikipedia = |wikipedia <title> :Searches Wikipedia for something.

  • Rules = |rule :Responds with a random rule.

  • Memes = |meme :Responds with a random meme.

  • Jokes = |joke :Responds with a random joke.

  • Photos = |cat :Responds with a random cat image., |dog :Responds with a random dog image., |fox :Responds with a random fox image., |duck :Responds with a random duck image., |goose :Responds with a random goose image., |shibe :Responds with a random shibe image., |panda :Responds with a random panda image., |bird :Responds with a random bird image., |koala :Responds with a random koala image.

  • AI = @Celesta <message> :Mention Celesta (@Celesta) message Talk to AI Application.

  • Create Embed Messages = |create <#channel> <message> :Create embed messages and send into a specific channel.

  • Moderation = |kick @mention :Kicks a user from the server., |ban @mention :Bans a user from the server., |unban <ID> :Unbans a user from the server., and |clear <number of message's> :Delete messages upto 100 per command.

  • Ping and Pong = |ping :Responds with a Pong!.

  • Fun = |meow... :Responds with a cat animated emoji.

  • Poll = |poll <message> :create simple poll.

  • Welcome = |welcome @mention :Welcomes the user you tag or mention.

  • Coin Flip = |coinflip :Flips a random coin (either heads or tails).

  • Music = |play [title/url], |search [title], |skip, |stop, |pause, |resume, |nowplaying, |queue and |loop :Play high quality music.

Updates and Announcements will show up here.


Note: You must have an administrator role in a server or permission to manage the server, allowing you to add Celesta to a custom server. make sure you’re logged in to the right account in the web browser when adding Celesta.

Click Invite Link or on Image.

Choose your server. If your server is not listed, try refreshing and repeating the steps.

  • Click “Authorize”

  • Complete the captcha

  • Now you should be able to see the authorized message.

Support Server:
Need help? Got questions or to request a new feature? Join the support server to receive assistance.

💌Support Server | Website | Invite Celesta

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Celesta Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Celesta to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Celesta Discord Bot' on this page.

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