Hello! it’s me… ChatSlowMode! We all hate Discord’s Slow-mode, you just feel like you are in a jail, so I decided to come, here are my features! First of all I’m always Online Second of all with me you can set the Slow-mode of a channel to any time ranging from 1 second all the way up to 6 hours, maybe you want to set the Slow-mode for 1 Hour and 1 Second - Don’t ask me why - I can do that easily, Just call me with the Prefix and I will be right there to do the work! oh… and you can do s!help for more information. Thanks! I hope to see you!
The Bot has 6 commands:
s!help - Shows you what the bot can do. Alaises: s!h, s!commands, s!cmd
s!invite - Get a invite link for the Bot.
s!slowmode - Set a slowmode for a certain channel. Alaises: s!sm
s!time - show you some common times in seconds so you don’t have to google them.
s!prefix - Change the Bot’s Prefix -Coming Soon-
s!support - Get a link to join our support server if you have any problems.
That’s it Just a simple bot that I personally needed so I made it, and thought it would be great for others too so I released it for all of the amazing Discord users.