Chill Discord Bot Logo

Chill Discord Bot

Full Chill Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Economy commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in February

Chill Discord Bot Described:

A bot coded from Bot Designer

ban - gets ban
kick - kicks out from this server
clear - clear 100 message
serverinfo - about your server information
pickrandom - pick a random user
totalmembers - a total of online, idle and do not disturb
uptime - how long the bot has run
add - add a text channel for you
close - close the text channel
apply - apply for stuff
roletotal - show the total of roles
emots - view all of your emotes
ping - view the bot speed
serverinvite - get the server invite
avatar - get your avatar
allnamerole - view all of the role have in your server
newticket - open a new ticket to talk with admin
changename - change your name in server
members - how many people in your server?
rps - rock, paper, scissors with the bot
userinfo - get people info by ping his/her name
roleinfo - get the role info
poll - like or dislike that poll
warn - warn a user if he or she brake some rules before ban or mute them
totalchannel - how many channel you have?
readonly - make the channel only you can type but people can see what you type. Please use roleID
stopreadonly - make the channel for everybody to type. Please use roleID
privatechannel - make that channel to only you can see. Please use roleID
stopprivatechannel - make that channel visible to everyone. Please use roleID
daily - claim your daily reward
bal - your total money
work - Gain more cash in 1 hour
beg - beg to get cash
give - give people your cash (why)
dep - deposit your cash
with - withdraw your cash
inv - your inventory
search - gain box
shop - buy some stuff
rob - rob some cash
hunt - go hunting
fish - go fishing
flip - flip a amount to win or lose
chop - chop a tree
mine - go underground and mine
youtube - Search videos from youtube
google - Search stuff from google
afk - go to afk mode
noafk - stop afk mode
stats - View the bot status
toggle - enable or disable commands
roles - View people roles

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Chill Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Chill to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Chill Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: chill!
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: itsmemusicchilly#0