Get the latest update with notification alerts and graphics stats about COVID-19! For every countries and regions! World news available too!
Data are provided by API based on JHU and worldometer for now, the api is intended to be improved as it has been developed by myself.
Prefix : c! or @mention
is required
is optional
arg1 / arg2
mean arg1 or arg2
Command | Description |
c!help |
Views help command. |
c!info |
Views every confirmed case. |
c!list |
List every country affected by COVID-19 |
c!<s / stats> [log / country / log [country]] |
Views graphical statistics. If no args provided return linear graph for total cases. You can find countries with full name or ISO-3166-1.Examples : c!stats us , c!s log usa , c!stats log |
c!country <country> |
Views information about multiple chosen country. You can either use autocompletion or ISO-3166-1 Examples : c!country fr usa it gb |
c!<r / region> <state/province / all> in <country> |
Supported countries (China, Canada, United States, Australia, Cruise Ship). Views regions infected in specific country or in all state with all arg. The in (mandatory symbol) is interpreted as separator between the country and the region/province so don’t forget it. Example 1 : c!r new york in us . Example 2 : c!region all in china . |
c!track <country / [disable]> |
Track country (bot will DM you update). Examples : c!track us , c!track disable . |
c!news |
Views recent news about COVID-19 (update every 1 hour). |
c!notification <country / disable> <every NUMBER> <hours / days / weeks> |
(Only administrator) When new data is found, the bot will send you a notification where you typed the command, server only. Examples : c!notification usa every 3 hours , c!notification disable |
c!setprefix <new_prefix> |
Change your guild prefix.(Server - Only admins) |
@Coronavirus COVID-19 getprefix |
View current guild prefix.(Server) |
c!source |
Views source data which the bot is based on. |
c!suggestion <message> |
Send suggestion feedback. |
c!bug <message> |
Send bug feedback. |
c!about |
Views information about the bot. |
c!invite |
Views bot link invite. |
c!vote |
Views bot vote link. |
c!s us
c!s log
c!notif usa every 2 hours
c!region all in us
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.
Deployment- Scaleway
0.0.6 - 2020-04-07
-> list every country that can be call by bot commands.- ISO-3166-1 for all countries
- Improve bot stability.
- Fix minor issues.
- Fix typos.
c!notification <enable | disable>
->c!nofitication <country | disable> <every NUMBER> <hours | days | weeks>
you can have notification about country in a specific channel for your server.c!stats [log]
->c!<s | stats> [log | country | log [country]]
you can now have log graph for countries.- Graph display Total confirmed - active.
- Now with
c!stats <country>
you got a minimap in the right top corner about the selected country.
- Prefix can be interpreted as
(useful when you are on mobile).
- Back to old format according to your suggestion.
- New emote.
- More informations in
. - Add Total active cases in
- Fix Notification and tracker.
- Improve data stability.
changed to ->c!stats [country | log]
and can now show specific graphic for each countries, you can also get the logarithmic graphic.- change
- New command :
c!<r | region> <STATE/PROVINCE | all> in <COUNTRY>
now you can get stats from state/province in supported countries
(China, Canada, United States, Australia, Cruise Ship). - New field in
forc!<r | region>
command. - Patreon field added in
. - World Health Organization (WHO) source in
. - Different formatting on mobile and desktop
- New bot icon
- English typos.
- Better formatting visualization for
- Better graphic visualization on x and y axis, timeline rotation and some color changes.
- Embed color
recent news about COVID-19 using New field in
- Fix typos that didn’t match with the current difference visualisation.
- Fix GMT update typos.
- Improvements on data update.
c!track <COUNTRY | [disabled]>
c!suggestion <MESSAGE>
c!bug <MESSAGE>
- New data sources.
- Graphical statistics now update the current day cases.
- You can use country code to get a country data with
c!country <COUNTRY>