The Discord Bot Cyber offers advanced HEATMAP snapshots for various markets.
*Special feature: Aggregate Heatmaps.
It can include default as well as custom indicators.
Volume studies, Volume Delta, Cumulative Volume Delta, Trades Counter Divergence Studies. Trading signals and alerts.
Charting platform used: TradingLite [X-Ray Vision for the Crypto Markets]
- cyber!
- Heatmap command hm
, hmap
, heatmap
Cyber Command structure:
[prefix] [function] [exchange] [pair] [timeframe] [precision] [chart-only/+indicators]
cyber!heatmap Bitmex XBTUSD 15m HD
or shorter cyber!hm b x 15 h
cyber!heatmap BITSTAMP ETHUSD 4h SD
or shorter cyber!hm bs e 4h
these commands make Cyber load the full chart with indicators, it’ll take a bit longer:
cyber!heatmap bitmex xbtusd 15m HD full
or shorter cyber!hm b x 15 h +
cyber!heatmap BITSTAMP ETHUSD 4h SD full
or shorter cyber!hm bs e 4h +
cyber!hm aggr b
or cyber!hm aggr btc
or cyber!hm aggr bitcoin
for Aggregate Heatmap
[exchange] - Bitfinex, Bitmex, Binance, Bitstamp, Coinbase, Deribit
depending on their priority, they can be as short as 1 character
[pair] - all pairs available,
depending on their priority, they can be as short as 1 character
[timeframe] - live 1m, 5m, 15m, 1h, 4h, 1D,
the minutes can be written as numbers
[precision] - empty or SD for Standard Definition or HD for High Definition
[chart-only/+indicators] - only the heatmap or add +,f,full for full chart (including indicators)
use cyber heatmap platform for more info about the platform used for charting
cyber help
, cyber!help
or cyber!h
for a help message with useful commands