Use mm!setup to get started
Mods use mm!send to send some updates to members of your server.
DM the bot with |CHANNELID message to message the mods.
Command list:
mm!submit -
mm!recent -
mm!setfc -
mm!viewfc -
mm!smi -
mm!viewmi -
| - |message DM
mm!reply -
mm!setlevelchannel -
mm!invite -
mm!setmodchannel -
mm!setup -
mm!profile -
mm!setbio -
mm!settags -
mm!setmakerpic -
mm!send -
mm!addlevelbadge -
mm!fight -
mm!clearbotmsgs -
mm!help -
mm!setprefix -
mm!online -
mm!servercount -