🤖 Deverobot for Discord 🤖
💬 About Deverobot
Simple discord bot to show various statistics, gamble and play music etc. Deverobots official website is https://devero.dev. There you can checkout our official discord and invite the bot to your own discord server.
If you dont feel like visiting the website, here is the Discord bot invite link:
Invite bot
🔑 Key Features
postmeme – (also: ‘meme’) - posts a random meme from subscribed subreddits
listreddits – (also: ‘listsubreddits’) - lists currently subscribed subreddits
cryptoprice – (also: ‘crypto’, ‘btc’, ‘eth’, ‘xrp’) - lists current cypto prices
stock – (also: ‘stockprice’) - takes one argument in the form of stock symbol
gamble – (also: ‘dice’) - takes on argument, gamble away your hard earned points
balance – (also: ‘wallet’, ‘money’, ‘currency’, ‘bal’) show current balance
beg – (also: ‘moneypls’) - begs for balance
play – (also: ‘song’, ‘music’) - Play your favorite songs, takes one youtube link as argument (coming soon)
listcases – (also: ‘caselist’, ‘csgocases’) - Lists all available CSGO cases you can open
case – (also: ‘open’, ‘opencase’) Opens a CSGO case
🔗 Official development discord