diddy Discord Bot Logo

diddy Discord Bot


Add Diddy bot for an enhanced Discord experience with unique commands. Invite Diddy Discord Bot today and unlock its full potential!

1 upvotes in January

diddy Discord Bot Described:

a new all in one bot that is worth a try, PURCHASE ONLY

follwing commands are below

/purge - delete a specified number of messages
/serverinfo - get information about the server
/userinfo - get information about a user
/avatar - get a user’s avatar
/ping - check bot’s latency
/8ball - ask the magic 8ball a question
/roll - roll a dice
/poll - create a quick poll
/remind - set a reminder
/botinfo - get information about the bot
/lock - lock a channel to prevent messages
/unlock - unlock a locked channel
/warn - warn a member
/kick - kick a member
/ban - ban a member
/check-warns - check warnings for a member
/check-kicks - check kick history for a member
/announce - send an announcement to a specified channel
/check-bans - check ban history for a member
/steal-emoji - steal an emoji from the current server
/steal-sticker - steal a sticker from the current server
/giveaway - start a giveaway
/end-giveaway - end a giveaway early
/afk - set your afk status with an optional reason
/role-info - get information about a role
/massrole - add or remove a role from multiple users
/clean - clean bot messages and commands
/slowmode - set channel slowmode
/snipe - see the last deleted message in the channel
/weather - get a random funny weather forecast
/conch - ask the magic conch shell a question
/quote-add - save a memorable quote
/quote - get a random saved quote
/ticket - create a support ticket
/close-ticket - close a support ticket
/tickets - view all active tickets
/membercount - view server member statistics
/dmall - dm all
/lyrics - get lyrics for a song
/help - shows all available commands
/level - check your message count and level
/leaderboard - shows top 10 users by level and messages
/genlicense - generate a new license key (admin only)
/register - register a license key for this server

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add diddy Discord Bot to my server?

You can add diddy to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add diddy Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: /
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: exstacy2007#0
Short link: discord.ly/diddy