My bot has simple fun and utility commands, but is still in development.
Command list:
<info - Bot info
<color - Color view
<rps - Rock, Paper and Scissors
<tti - Text To Image
<server - Server information
<daily - Daily reward
<coins - Balance
<ping - Ping ms
<embedsay - repeat message command in embed
<top - leaderboard
<8ball - Make a question
<drake - Drake Meme Text Generator
<waifu - Are u a good waifu?
<random - generate a random number
<dym - Did you mean…
<youtube - YouTube Search
<google - Google Search
<invite - Invites links
<vote - Vote
<reverse - Reverse sentences
<say - basic repeat command
<clyde - clyde response
<user - User information
<meme - Random meme
<achieve - Minecraft Achievement
<profile - Profile for user
<bio - Change bio
<donate - Donate command
<avatar - See user’s avatar
<trash - Throw yours friends in a trash bin!
<joke - Am i a joke to you?
<emoji - Random emoji picker
<lvlinfo - Level information
<water - Water API
<stonks - Stonks
<tableflip - Table flip command
<cmm - Change my mind
<rip - Rip command
<wide - Wide command
<bug - Bug mentioned user
<call - Call command
<speed - Speed command
<fact - Your fact
<gaycheck - Check if your friends are gay
New features coming soon…