Squares Discord Bot Logo

Squares Discord Bot

Invite ELECTRON Bot to your Discord server and enjoy its powerful Electrify & Boost commands! Get the best out of your server with ELECTRON Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in January

Squares Discord Bot Described:

Electrify & Boost Up Your Discord Server!

ELECTRO is a General purpose Moderation, Fun & Music bot. ELECTRO has all the Moderation commands, tons of Fun commands & high quality Music commands. To see the list of commands scroll down or type e!help or @ELECTRO help in a server which have ELECTRO. Join our discord server to contract the bot creator @ADIB HOQUE#6969.


ELECTRO commands can be used by the prefix e! or by mentioning @ELECTRO. If you want to use commands by mentioning you must put a space after the mention or the command won’t work.

General - (22)

ping, userinfo, serverinfo, ownerinfo, avatar, membercount, define, snipe, math, invite, upvote, pokemon, shinypokemon, pokefuse, 8ball, electroav, brilliance, bravery, balance, motivation, revive, reversetext

Moderation - (17)

kick, ban, setnick, role, say, embed, DM, english, rolecolor, lockdown, unlock, menro, mute, unmute, joinchannel, leavechannel, testwelcomer

Fun - (26)

triggered, brazzers, burn, gay, missionpassed, thanos, rip, meme, pat, love, slap, kiss, hug, cuddle, spank, tweet, phubcomment, howgay, whowouldwin, captcha, magik, deepfry,iphonex, threats, clyde, trash

Music - (8)

play, skip, stop, pause, resume, volume, np, queue


This project is licenced under MIT. If you have any new ideas, create an issue or a pull request. Contributions to ELECTRO are always welcome, whether it be improvements to the documentation or new functionality, please feel free contract us.

If you are using ELECTRO and love it, consider joining our Discord Server ❤️
© 2020 ELECTRO, Inc.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Squares Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Squares to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Squares Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: e! or mention
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: ADIB#8401