Vynixical Discord Bot Logo

Vynixical Discord Bot

Invite Vynixical Bot to your server and enjoy its Fun, Moderation and Customization commands. Add Vynixical Discord Bot now!

0 upvotes in February

Vynixical Discord Bot Described:

This bot has heaps of fun commands, moderation commands! The bots prefix is customizable through a command
A multi-purpose discord bot
  • This bot was coded using JavaScript (Discord.js v12)

  • If you want to report a bug / ask a question, make sure to join the bots support server!

  • The bots default prefix is ?? but the prefix can be changed through a command.

  • This bot has heaps of commands to use!

  • If you want to be able to level up using this bot, just use ??enablelevel

  • For more help, do ??help


Here are all of the available command categories, for more help, do ??help <command>

8ball ascii avatar base64 binary clap coinflip emoji emojify hack howgay hug invite joke lyrics meme pat ping reverse roledice rps say serverinvite webhook wink

addrole announce ban clear createrole editsuggestion create hackban kick lock mute removerole tempmute unban unmute vote warn warns

antiswear autoresponse disablemute disablelevel disablelvlch disablewelchannel disablewelimg disableweltxt enablelevel enablewelimg leavechannel leavemsg levelchannel memberrole resetwarns setlogs setmute setprefix unantiswear disablelogs welchannel welmsg

bal beg rank

botinfo botlists calculate canvacord cat-fact changelogs channelinfo corona discordjs discrim dog-fact emojiinfo fox-fact help mcserverinfo roleinfo serverinfo servers settings snipe stats uptime urban user userinfo ytstats

cat dog fox red-panda

changemymind clyde delete enlarge gay trash trigger wasted ytcomment <br> <br>

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Vynixical Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Vynixical to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Vynixical Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: ??
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: p9sq#0001