Essentials is a feature-rich Discord bot that mainly focuses on essential things with it’s large catalog of functions, such as moderation, fun, etc.
Essentials was crafted to be use-able by anyone, whether you have knowledge of Discord or not.
Essential has an easy to use and customizable prefix, commands layout and ease-of-access help menu.
Info commands:
cmdnum, passgen, legal, and supportserver
Misc commands:
say, avatar, userinfo, rmem, membercount, and servericon
Moderation commands:
kick, ban, purge, addrole, removerole, nick, checkmod, setmod, removerole, and prefix
Fun commands:
snipe, meme, wasted, gaypfp, invert, redpfp, yt, aww, gay, ping, iq, 8ball, cf, simp, dr, botrps, rps, dadjoke, cb, dogfact, catfact, pandafact, foximg, dogimg, yt, gaypfp, invert, redpfp, and wasted