Eve Discord Bot Logo

Eve Discord Bot


Invite Eve Bot to your server and enjoy its multipurpose features, from Leveling to Gambling, with Eve Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in May

Eve Discord Bot Described:

Eve discord bot is a multipurpose bot with features including but not limited to: Leveling, Economy, Pets, RPG, Gambling, Poker, Ticketing, Marriages, Reaction Roles, Birthdays and many more!

Please keep in mind the bot is still being developed and upgraded.
So new commands and new suggestions are always welcome.

You can suggest something to us using ?suggest ursuggestion

General Commands
?daily - Get daily Gold bonus.
?hourly - Get hourly Gold bonus.
?rank - Check someone’s rank.
?profile - See someone’s profile
?av - See someone’s avatar
?gold - Check someone’s Gold.
?givegold - Give a specific amount of gold to a user.
?deposit | ?dep - Deposite gold to Bank.
?withdraw | ?with - Withdraw gold from Bank.
?steal | ?rob - Steal gold from a user.
?work - Work for some gold.
?crime - High risk high reward.
?ping - Pong! Returns your websocket latency.
?about - Shows information about this bot.
?help - Shows help message.

Leaderboard Commands
?leaderboard | ?lb - Check who has the highest rank.
?goldleaderboard | ?rich - Check who is the richest.
?bankleaderboard | ?banklb - Check who is the biggest bank account.
?cashleaderboard | ?cashlb - Check who is easy to rob.

Shop Commands
?shop - See the shop.
?inventory - View your inventory.
?giftitem - Gift an item from your inventory.
?blackmarketpets - Pets blackmarket.

Market Place
?ss or ?servershop - See the server shop
?buyrole - Buy a role from ss
?donate - Donate to server vault
?reward - Reward gold from server vault
?sellrole - List a role to sell on server shop
?unsellrole - Unlist a role to sell on server shop
?vault - See the server vault

?chat - Set a channel to chat with Eve.

?confess - set confess channel
?confessions - set confessions channel

?propose - Lets you propose to another member.
?divorce - Divorces you from your current spouse
?partner - Tells you who a user is married to
?children - Coming soon
?parent - Coming soon

Ticket System
?setreaction - Set the message on which the bot will look reactions on.
?ticketclose | ?tc - Closes the open ticket by the user in their ticket channel.
?ftc - Forcefully closes the open ticket by the user.
?removeticketaccess - Removes the access to the tickets from a role
?ticketaccess - Give members with a role access to the tickets

?giveaway - Create / Stop Giveaways

Selfie React
?selfie - Set selfie channel for Eve to react on new pictures

still in development
?fight - Fight monsters
?rpginventory - See your inventory
?equip - Equip items from the inventory
?sell - Sell items from the inventory
?travel - coming soon…
?raid - coming soon…
?trade - coming soon…
Much more to come…

?petlist - Check available pets.
?petadopt - Adopt a free pet.
?rename - Rename your pet.
?pet - Pet your pet.
?play - Play with your pet.
?petfight - Duel with your pets.
?pethunt - Send your pet on a hunt.
?potion - Use a potion.
?feedpet - Feed your pet.
?open - Open boxes/crates.
?readopt - Readopt a pet for extra reward.
?moves - View the moves of your pet.
?addmove - Add a custom move.
?delmove - Delete a custom move.
?petdelete - Delete your pet.

?coinflip - Starts a game of coinflip.
?blackjack - Starts a game of blackjack.
?slots - Starts a game of slots.
other games coming soon…
Still developing with some bugs
?phelp - Show the list of poker commands
?newgame - Starts a new game, allowing players to join.
?join - Lets you join a game that is about to begin
?start - Begins a game after all players have joined
?deal - Deals the hole cards to all the players
?call - Matches the current bet
?raise - Increase the size of current bet
?check - Bet no money
?fold - Discard your hand and forfeit the pot
?count - Shows how many chips each player has left
?all-in - Bets the entirety of your remaining chips

?mm - Start a game
?mmend - Force end the game
?mmhelp - Help menu
?joinmm - Join the game
?playingmm - Display the current players
?takeaction - Take action
?accuse - Accuse someone of murder
?endmmpoll - End the accuse poll

?8ball - Ask 8 ball a question.
?choose - Choose between multiple options.
?whois - Who is that?
?cringe - mAkE ThE TeXt cRiNgY!!
?dadjoke - Gives a random Dadjoke
?emojify - Turns your text into emojis!
?flip - Flip a coin
?meme - Get a random meme. The stuff of life.
?reverse - !txeT ruoY esreveR
?roast - Roast someone! If you suck at roasting them yourself.
?roll - Roll a random number.
?rps - Play Rock,Paper,Scissors
?smallcaps - ᴄᴏɴᴠᴇʀᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛᴇxᴛ ᴛᴏ [̲̅s̲̅]ᴍᴀʟʟ ᴄᴀᴘ[̲̅s̲̅]!!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Eve Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Eve to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Eve Discord Bot' on this page.

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