This discord bot makes it easy to ban or kick members for both large and small servers.
The list of commands are:
General Commands: | Usage: | Ex. |
-help | Displays the help message. | -help |
-changeprefix | Change the prefix of the bot. | -changeprefix $ |
-prefix | View the server prefix. | @EZBot prefix |
-covid | View COVID statistics. | -covid <country> or -covid world |
-invite | Get the invite link for the bot. | -invite |
Moderator Commands: | Usage: | Ex. |
-kick | Kick a member from the server! | -kick @example |
-ban | Ban a member from the server! | -ban @example |
-unban | Unban a member from the server! You cannot mention the member for this command! | -unban example#1234 |
-clear | Clear a specified amount of messages! The default amount is 5! | -clear 15 |
-mute | Mute a member and give them the “Muted” role. | -mute @example |
-unmute | UnMute a member and remove the “Muted” role. | -unmute @example |
-nick | Change the nickname of a user! Must have the manage nicknames permission to use! | -nick @example cool |
Utility Commands: | Usage: | Ex. |
-avatar | Get the profile image of a discord user! | -av @example |
-membercount | Get the membercount of a server! | -membercount |
-giveaway | Create a giveaway! | -giveaway |
-reroll | Reroll a giveaway! | -reroll #<channel-here> <giveaway-message-id> |
-embed | Create a custom discord embed! | -embed |
Music Commands: | Usage: | Ex. |
-join | Make the bot join the voice channel you are in! | -join |
-play | Play a song from youtube! | -play Uptown Funk |
-scplay | Play a song from soundcloud! | -scplay Uptown Funk |
-pause | Pause the currently playing song! | -pause |
-unpause | UnPause the currently playing song! | -unpause |
-skip | Skip the currently playing song! | -skip |
-repeat | Repeat the currently playing song! | -repeat |
-shuffle | Shuffle the song queue! | -shuffle |
-np | View the currently playing song! | -np |
-stop | Stop all playing songs and clear the queue! | -stop |
-disconnect | Make the bot disconnect from the voice channel! | -dc |
Fun Commands: | Usage: | Ex. |
-8ball | Roll a random answer to a question! | -8ball Am I cool? |
-meme | Post a meme from the r/memes subreddit! | -meme |
-meirl | Post a meme from the r/me_irl subreddit! | -meirl |
Post a meme from a chosen subreddit! | -reddit <subreddit> | |
-poll | Create a poll to gain feedback! | -poll |
Extra: | ||
Any questions? Join the support server! Bot Made With Love By: Asian Tech Gamer#6890 | ||