EZUtility Discord Bot Logo

EZUtility Discord Bot

Invite EZUtility Bot to your server and enjoy its revolutionary moderation and fun commands. Get the EZUtility Discord Bot now!

0 upvotes in February

EZUtility Discord Bot Described:

A revolutionary bot that combines moderation with fun. Bot is in the process of getting verified. Discord will be done with it soon. Until then, the bot cannot be in 100 or more servers.

This discord bot makes it easy to ban or kick members for both large and small servers.

The list of commands are:

General Commands: Usage: Ex.
-help Displays the help message. -help
-changeprefix Change the prefix of the bot. -changeprefix $
-prefix View the server prefix. @EZBot prefix
-covid View COVID statistics. -covid <country> or -covid world
-invite Get the invite link for the bot. -invite
Moderator Commands: Usage: Ex.
-kick Kick a member from the server! -kick @example
-ban Ban a member from the server! -ban @example
-unban Unban a member from the server! You cannot mention the member for this command! -unban example#1234
-clear Clear a specified amount of messages! The default amount is 5! -clear 15
-mute Mute a member and give them the “Muted” role. -mute @example
-unmute UnMute a member and remove the “Muted” role. -unmute @example
-nick Change the nickname of a user! Must have the manage nicknames permission to use! -nick @example cool
Utility Commands: Usage: Ex.
-avatar Get the profile image of a discord user! -av @example
-membercount Get the membercount of a server! -membercount
-giveaway Create a giveaway! -giveaway
-reroll Reroll a giveaway! -reroll #<channel-here> <giveaway-message-id>
-embed Create a custom discord embed! -embed
Music Commands: Usage: Ex.
-join Make the bot join the voice channel you are in! -join
-play Play a song from youtube! -play Uptown Funk
-scplay Play a song from soundcloud! -scplay Uptown Funk
-pause Pause the currently playing song! -pause
-unpause UnPause the currently playing song! -unpause
-skip Skip the currently playing song! -skip
-repeat Repeat the currently playing song! -repeat
-shuffle Shuffle the song queue! -shuffle
-np View the currently playing song! -np
-stop Stop all playing songs and clear the queue! -stop
-disconnect Make the bot disconnect from the voice channel! -dc
Fun Commands: Usage: Ex.
-8ball Roll a random answer to a question! -8ball Am I cool?
-meme Post a meme from the r/memes subreddit! -meme
-meirl Post a meme from the r/me_irl subreddit! -meirl
-reddit Post a meme from a chosen subreddit! -reddit <subreddit>
-poll Create a poll to gain feedback! -poll
Any questions? Join the support server https://discord.gg/ukRzjwXb9Q! Bot Made With Love By: Asian Tech Gamer#6890
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add EZUtility Discord Bot to my server?

You can add EZUtility to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add EZUtility Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: - or custom
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Asian Tech Gamer#6890