Filo Discord Bot Logo

Filo Discord Bot

Invite Filo Bot to your server and explore its powerful multipurpose commands, customizable language, report, logging, welcome and farewells. Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in February

Filo Discord Bot Described:

Filo is a powerful multipurpose Discord bot. Customizable, multiple languages, report, logging, welcome and farewells, member counter, anti-invites, auto-mod, anti-evasion. +190 commands.

About Filo

Filo is a powerful multipurpose Discord bot. Customizable, multiple languages, report, logging, welcome and farewells, member counter, anti-invites, auto-mod, anti-evasion. +190 commands.

Not sure how to add Filo to your guild?

Check out this step-by-step guide on how to do it by clicking here.

Did you know that Filo speaks multiple languages?

Write this in the chat and select the language that best suits your guild: /language select.

Customizable behavior?

We believe that the best way to offer the service is by allowing you to customize it as you decide.

You can get more information about this by clicking here.

Help command? Bot support?

You can get a full list of Filo commands by typing this in chat:
/core commands or /core help

If you need additional help or have any concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us.

TIP: You can get help by mentioning Filo in the chat (@Filo#0291).


Filo has some cool modules that can help you manage your guild. Some of the most prominent modules are:


Don’t you know it does something? Do you need help setting up Filo? We can help you with almost everything!
We currently have the following help methods:


Filo's Status Shield

Is Filo offline? Not responding to commands? We may have an active issue.

You can check the status of the service by clicking here.

Terms and Conditions

This service is subject to Terms and Conditions that we assume to accept once you interact with Filo or its service in any way.

You can check our Terms and Conditions of Service by clicking here.

Privacy Policy

We take care to protect your privacy at all costs and we strongly recommend that you read our Privacy Policy.

You can read our Privacy Policy by clicking here.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Filo Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Filo to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Filo Discord Bot' on this page.

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