!eng - set engilsh language
!pl - set polish language
!help - help list
!wet @user
!kiss @user
!slap @user
!hug @user
!turtle @user
!mesh @user
!spies @user
!bombing @user
!givemoney @user
!eng - ustaw język angielski
!pl - ustaw język polski
!help - lista pomocy
!oblej @user
!całuj @user
!policzkuj @user
!strzel @user
!shrex @user
!przytul @user
!żółwik @user
!oczko @user
!podgląda @user
!bombarduj @user
!dajkase @user

FunyGuy Discord Bot
Full FunyGuy Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Fun commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.
0 upvotes in FebruaryFunyGuy Discord Bot Described:
Best of the best action bot! ENG/PL !Frequently Asked Questions
How do I add FunyGuy Discord Bot to my server?
You can add FunyGuy to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add FunyGuy Discord Bot' on this page.More Discord Bots

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