Fury Bot >> [ Commands ] .
Help: Send a Complete List of commands
Play: This command will make the music play
Stop: This Command Will Stop BOT
Shuffle: to shuffle the Current queue
Jump: to jump from song to another in queue
Drop: to drop song from queue
Queue: This command will make the BOT show the list it is playing
Skip: This command will make the bot skip the song that is playing
Pause: This command will cause the Bot to pause the music that is playing
Replay: This Command will cause the Bot to repeat the song that is playing
Resume: This Command Will Make the Bot Return the Music That Was Paused
Repeat/loop: for repeat song or queue
Volume: This command will cause the bot to increase or decrease the audio of the music there is playing
Now Playing: This Command Will Make The Bot Show The Music That Has Been Playing
Lyrics: This Command Will Mke the Bot Show you the Lyrics of Current Song
Server : For Server Information
Stats/About: that command Will Make the BOTShow Your Server Information
Invite: ThisCommand Will Make the Bot Send Message on DM to BOT to any Server
Notes :
Aliases just take first lettre of any Commands