The most easiest multipurpose bot to mod people with and easy to use. It has a advanced ban, kick, warn systems and much more! Explore this new awesome next generation mod bot! To begin, use !help. Have fun! OBS! Most used for mod people, etc!
Some of the General and Moderation commands that it have:
- userid(user)
- userinfo(user)
- ban(user)
- botinfo
- emojis
- kick(user)
- warn(user)
- setprefix(in guild/server)
- uptime
- infractions(user)
- setlogchannel(mention channel)
- logchanneloff(disable the current logchannel that you set, if you have)
And much more!
It do also have a Change Log!
Top asked Auto commands and Commands that will be released very soon:
- Auto Moderation system,
add banned links/server invites, etc.
banned words
auto warns, tempmutes, kicks, bans, etc.-(optional) - mute(user)-(max: 20d)
- unmute(user)
- unban(user ID)
- purge/clear(1-100)
- unwarn(user)
- set afk
And much more!
Web dashboard is coming very soon!
OBS! You can also report a issue/bug/report/feedback/suggestion, etc. or comment to the developer via Fyxol - Bot
Much Love, Fyxol - Bot and Developer - StariX#5742