Galactic has many useful features and commands ranging from moderation to economy.
They will simplify and automate your discord server management.
How do i start an activity in a VC (Poker, Chees, YT together…)?
1st join a voice channel
To get a list of all activities: =activity
To start an activity: =activity yt
Member count stats
Real time Minecraft server info
Mod logs for deleted/edited messages
📌 Other commands
Moderation: delete, ban/unban, kick, slowmode
Config: ban-word, mod-logs, server-stats, set-prefix
Utility: perms, create-embed, poll, qr-code, shorten-url, steal-emojis, suggest
Economy: balance, buy, daily, gamble, inventory, mine, pay, sell, shop
Leveling: levels, rank, reset-levels, transfer-mee6
Fun: fake-message, generate-image, generate-text, meme, hangman, type-racer
More mini games, dropdown roles, dashboard…
Note: some commands may be different than the list here (Use =help
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