Galactic Discord Bot Logo

Galactic Discord Bot

Invite Galactic Bot to your server and explore its many features, including Economy, Levels, and Logging commands. Get started with Galactic Discord Bot now!

0 upvotes in December

Galactic Discord Bot Described:

A bot for any community with many epic features: logging, welcome & leave message, invite tracker/roles, economy, levels & many more in coming soon
Galactic FAQ

Galactic status

🚀 Features

Galactic has many useful features and commands ranging from moderation to economy.
They will simplify and automate your discord server management.

🛠️ Command showcase
How do i start an activity in a VC (Poker, Chees, YT together…)?

1st join a voice channel
To get a list of all activities: =activity
To start an activity: =activity yt

Free custom rank background

Rank background

Member count stats

Member count

Real time Minecraft server info

Minecraft server info

Mod logs for deleted/edited messages

Mod logs

📌 Other commands

Moderation: delete, ban/unban, kick, slowmode
Config: ban-word, mod-logs, server-stats, set-prefix
Utility: perms, create-embed, poll, qr-code, shorten-url, steal-emojis, suggest

Economy: balance, buy, daily, gamble, inventory, mine, pay, sell, shop
Leveling: levels, rank, reset-levels, transfer-mee6
Fun: fake-message, generate-image, generate-text, meme, hangman, type-racer

🌌 Features in development (coming soon)

More mini games, dropdown roles, dashboard…
Note: some commands may be different than the list here (Use =help)
Do you have a suggestion? Post it Here

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Galactic Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Galactic to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Galactic Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: = (custom)
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Spacey#4488