GameStats Discord Bot Logo

GameStats Discord Bot

Get GameStats bot to your Discord server and start tracking your favorite games with its powerful commands. Invite GameStats Discord Bot now!

0 upvotes in February

GameStats Discord Bot Described:

Game stats, supports Rainbow Six Siege, CSGO, Paragon, Paladins, Smite, Overwatch, PUBG, FFXIV, APEX Legends etc

Set up a profile of your gaming aliases so you can share them with friends and see your stats in those games.

Support server:

Currently supported (but expanding):

PUBG gs.pubg
Steam gs.steam
Rust gs.rust
Team Fortress 2 gs.tf2
DOTA2 gs.dota2
Rainbow Six: Siege gs.siege
FFXIV (with Free Company stats) gs.ffxiv
Overwatch gs.ow
Destiny gs.destiny
League of
World of Tanksgs.wot
World of Warshipsgs.wows
World of Warplanesgs.wowp
Playstation Networkgs.psn
Xbox Livegs.xbl
APEX Legends gs.apex

Getting Started
To create your profile: gs.profile
To add a game account: gs.add uplay
Supported accounts: gs.accounts

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add GameStats Discord Bot to my server?

You can add GameStats to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add GameStats Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: gs.
Servers: 50.4K
Users: unknown
Created by: Avaren#0001