A multipurpose bot made for basically anything with new features being added weekly.
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
Request new features with via the official support server, the website, or DMing me (the owner, AsrielD#6969), and your command might get featured in the next release!
Current purposes
- Over 6,000 hand picked memes (with custom meme generators)
- Cleverbot!
- Fortnite, Rainbow Six, and surviv.io stats
- Play music!
- Server administration, like purging messages, logging events, etc.
- Optional leaderboards
- Cool utilities, like weather, Steam game news and patch notes, Reddit, Minecraft server status, and much more!
- Random fun commands, like emojitext, a slot machine game, and free dog pics
- Hugging, kissing, patting, and slapping come included
- Chuck Norris quotes, because everyone needs them
Not to be used for
- Ordering pizza ?
- Doing your homework
- Spam a friend’s DMs
- Get you a girlfriend (sorry, mate)
- Get you those Epic Victory Royales (ask Ninja)
- Secluding yourself from the outside world
Planned ideas
- Custom server commands and aliases
- Overall global profiles (still figuring out on how to execute it correctly)
- Economy (not just your standard run of the mill banking)
- Reminders (so you won’t forget to get that ?)
- Implement more game stats (Overwatch and more coming soon)
- Any ideas you come up with :)