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This is the oldest game of the coin. Attack other users, spin for the jackpot and when you have the most coins… Go for the highscore. Have fun!
Come join my server for more! Or if you just want to say hi!Commands
- attack - Attacks the mention user
- balance - Shows the users balance.
- forcestart - forcestarts the game on behalf of user! *
- gdisablepvp - Disables pvp. *
- genablepvp - Enables pvp on server. *
- gift - Daily gift!
- givecoins - Gives coins to a user. *
- greset - Resets guild data. *
- help - Displays command help.
- highscore - Shows the servers highscore.
- jackpot - Shows the servers current jackpot.
- setjackpot - Sets the jackpot. *
- shop - A shop where you can buy protection.
- spin - uses your coins… GL.
- start - Starts the game!
[*] user needs BanMember permission