Helix Discord Bot Logo

Helix Discord Bot

Invite Helix Bot to your server and enjoy its Multipurpose, Fun, and Helpful commands! Get the full Helix Discord Bot guide now.

0 upvotes in November

Helix Discord Bot Described:

Helix is a multipurpose, fun to use, and helpful Discord bot with lots of moderation and fun commands!
Helix Information



Helix is a fun and useful moderation discord bot. Helix also comes with other fun and image commands such as <fox> <cat> <rps>(rock paper scissors) and more!


Here are (most of the) general commands :
  • admins - Displays a list of all current admins.
  • aliases - Displays a list of all current aliases per command.
  • avatar <USER MENTION> - Displays a user’s avatar (or your own, if no user is mentioned).
  • botinfo - Fetches Helix’s information and statistics.
  • color <ROLE MENTION | COLOR NAME> - Changes your current color to the one specified (provide no color to clear).
  • colors - Displays a list of all available colors.
  • emojis - Displays a list of all current emojis.
  • findid <USER MENTION | ROLE MENTION | CHANNEL MENTION> - Finds the ID of the mentioned user, role, or text channel.
  • help - Displays a list of all current commands.
  • inviteme - Generates a link you can use to invite Helix to your own server.
  • members - Displays how many server members are online, busy, AFK, and offline.
  • mods - Displays a list of all current mods.
  • ping - Gets Helix’s current ping.
  • say <CHANNEL MENTION> <MESSAGE> - Sends a message to the specified channel (or the current channel, if none is specified).
  • servericon - Displays the server’s icon.
  • serverinfo - Fetches information and statistics about the server.
  • userinfo <USER MENTION> - Fetches a user’s information (or your own, if no user is mentioned).

And much more!

For all the commands and more information about the commands use the xhelp command!
If you need any help or support feel free to join the support server!
You can invite Helix here!
What can Helix do?
  • Moderation!
  • Give you fox, dog, and cat images!!
  • Create color roles!
To Do list :
Modules : D/ND
Moderation ✔️
Loggigng System ✔️
Image Commands ✔️
Verification ✔️
Role commands ✔️
Information CMDS ✔️
Music 🔳
Weather 🔳
For more information about the bot join the support server!
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Helix Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Helix to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Helix Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: x
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: 4ngel🍁#2769