Logo for Hill Climb Racing 2

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Hill Climb Racing 2 is a racing game. Trying to bring hill climbers through hcr2 bot.

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Main Special Commands:
invitation-links , teams , application , submit , challenge , bump

Moderation Commands:
mute , unmute , ban , unban , kick , clear , changenick , warn ,cwarn

Fun Commands:
8ball , catfacts , dogfacts

Economy Commands:
work , daily , weekly , balance , rob , deposit , withdraw , addcoins , removecoins , leaderboard

Reputation Commands:
rep , checkrep , repboard

Info Commands:
serverinfo , invite , avatar , about , ping , copyright , terms , disclaimer , uptime

Bot Functional Commands:
suggest , emote , nitroemote , addemoji , setwelcome , setprefix

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.