< Bot Info >
IsOnline is a intuitive web server status tracker and Minecraft Server stats and status bot.
With technology advancing by the hour, you’ll be capable of tracking what game server is down
for matinence and when. IsOnline is great for both developer and Minecraft servers alike!
IsOnline is capable of:
- Retrieving useful information about your Minecraft server, like it’s Server Version, Online Players, Max Players, its Port, and much more.
- Telling you the status code of an http site.
- Quickly letting you know if you’re not the only one having issues with a site.
< Commands >
Prefix - >?
- Check website status - >?web <website> (ex. >?web https://www.google.com/)
- Check Minecraft Server status - >?mc <ip> or >?mc <ip> <port> (ex. >?mc isonline.hypixel.net 25565)
- Help - >?help
< Support >
Is the bot causing issues or do you have feedback? Join our support server https://discord.gg/SndKJwD/