Kapersi Discord Bot Logo

Kapersi Discord Bot


Invite Kapersi Bot to your server and use its commands to manage your server and its members. Get started with Kapersi Discord Bot today!

0 upvotes in April

Kapersi Discord Bot Described:

El bot debe estar como administrador o no va a funcionar The bot must be as administrator or it will not work

El bot debe estar como administrador o no va a funcionar The bot must be as administrator or it will not work

Este es un bot multifuncional tiene más de 2 categorias, el bot se va ha estar actualizndo, y a continuación les mostraré los comandos:

DUEÑO * ka!refresh

MODERACION * addrole, ban, kick, addrole, removerole, warn, warn, prefix

MIEMBROS * ka!infobot ka!ping ka!userinfo ka!invite ka!translate ka!love mp!8ball mp!say ka!whatgay ka!fish ka!kiss ka!kill ka!kissair ka!scare ka!disgust ka!slap ka!run ka!fbi ka!hi ka!cry ka!meme

MUSICA * ka!joinvoice ka!play ka!volumen ka!stop ka!pause ka!resume ka!np

NIVELES * perfilxp

El comando ayuda te servirá para ver que comandos tiene el bot, para ver todos los comandos debes de reaccionar a los emojis que salen

This is a multifunctional bot has more than 2 categories, the bot is going to update, and then we show you the commands:

The help command will help you see what commands the bot has, to see all the commands you should react to the emojis that come out

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Kapersi Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Kapersi to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Kapersi Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: ka!
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: End3r DNZ#4790
Short link: discord.ly/kapersi